yaoicocaine created a topic of Shutline

that poor bed is going to break

yaoicocaine created a topic of Rivalry

i got scared i didn't expect a gif keep it up uploader i love your fun edits

yaoicocaine created a topic of A First of Summers
yaoicocaine created a topic of Can't Think Straight

ughhhhh i fucking hate him i hope he dies or something

yaoicocaine created a topic of Jinx

you know the seme is going to change for real when he starts sucking dick

yaoicocaine created a topic of Rivalry

i haaate the memory loss arc but i know they're going to have some crazy sex at some point

yaoicocaine created a topic of Dear, 00
yaoicocaine created a topic of Soft and Squishy
yaoicocaine created a topic of Dear, 00
yaoicocaine asked question about question

i think i saw on twitter some author trying to sue jujucat, i couldn't read it properly bc twitter sucks ass and it refreshed it self AND CLOSE an i can't find the tweet bc it was korean

yaoicocaine created a topic of Under the Green Light

when this ends im kiIIing myself

yaoicocaine answered question about question
i don't like babies :/ sometimes they look like a hybrid between a baby animal and a potato, or little kids bc they look extremely small there's no way that a 4 years old is 60cm tall i don't know it feels like the authors haven't seen kids in years
yaoicocaine shared experience about spanish translations
my first language is spanish but i HATEEE when spanish translations use sexual terms from spain and it makes me cringe so hard i have to take a break, that's why i read almost everything in english
yaoicocaine created a topic of Shangri La no Tori
yaoicocaine created a topic of Wet Sand

the story is so confusing now ??? i feel like i need to reread season 1

yaoicocaine created a topic of Honey Bear

ON THE ROCKS ????? that has to hurt

yaoicocaine created a topic of You Who Wants to Love

hannigram!!!!!! let's goooooo

yaoicocaine created a topic of Double Leash

don't make fun of their noses they could be italian

yaoicocaine created a topic of Dog and Bird

if he wasn't already pregnant he's definitely going to be now