ik Minhyuk is sucky but still idk why taesung broooo u did not just let those guys harm him but not to the point where he dies like sheeeesh ur obsession is wow my poor boy don’t deserve all this shittt
They're both prideful. I dunno about them it's just "I like you" You already had sex and that convo in the lake too. Why can't they say "I like you" "let's date" or whatever right
Yeah and if he ever tells me seeing me disgusts him I’d pack his things and throw them out instantly lmao you ain’t gonna step another foot into my house ever again LOL
I really can't anymore I'm literally crying so much bad things happen already and I fcking can't LMAOO BUT NOT SAYING IM DROPPING IM READING THE WHOLE THING THOSE TWO MOTHERFCKING BITCHES BETTER DIE ☠☠