WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT STRAIGHT SPAGHETTIE HAIR FRIEND WHO DOESNT HAVE ANY BRAIN CELLSi have never hated a side character more than I hate him. You didn’t have to go and make everythinr complicated!!! You could have just asked out the guy you were interested in!! You could have taken a shot!!! Not ruin innocent people!! YOU DONT deserve to be a side character!!! YOU ARE AN IMPOSTER!!

I haven’t seen so much hate for an MC. Okay you all have to know, if you were suddenly
Pulled inside a Nobel you read and something like what happened to Alejandro were to
Happen to the character you like, you would defiantly try to save them but there J’s slays going to be that feeling that
You are messing up their lives because you messed up
The sorry line, you’ll always feel like everything you are doing is risking their happiness in some way and you just can’t help but feel guilt, so she thinks that by denying what she wants the story won’t change as much because it may just take a turn for the worse and Alejandro could end up Dead And it would be all
Her fault. Like damnnnn we all need to take a chill pill cause it’s just a story and let’s all
Enjoy and we where it’s going because I know for a fact when there is a scene that will
Be the “Main” turning point in the story, we’ll all switch sides. Let’s just wait and see shall