Is there a possibility of smut scenes? The arts are drawn beautifully. The story is likely to be good too. I know. I know. A good story doesn't need to have smut scenes, but. . .but. . .is it too much to ask? I’m sorry its just that I’m kind of having a hard time reading new BL stories but this one has potential and the ones I’m currently reading are on going so I am patiently waiting— I’m blabbering. Give me some smut scenes pls. Woojin is just too cute. OK. I’M STOPPING HERE.

Finally, Huanwen and Yuan. HUHUHU. I ALMOST STOPPED READING THIS STORY SINCE THE PROGRESS WITH THE MAIN COUPLE WAS TOO SLOW AND IT FRUSTRATES ME. BUT THEN!!!! THEIR RELATIONSHIP WASN’T RUSHED AND THAT MAKES IT EVEN MORE BEAUTIFUL. The foundation? The trust with each other? And Huanwen and Yuan’s silence, just looking with each others lovingly? Huhuhu. Uncle and the red guy? Age doesn’t matter indeed. This story is too precious. The characters have a special place in my heart.
Why is the art so pretty? And why is the white hair guy drawn so pretty? And the uke, too? Both looked so cute when they blushed. I don’t care about the little brother, I don’t like him for the uke. but the red hair guy is damn fine. (▰˘◡˘▰)
the lil bro needs to get together with red as soon as possible lol