I don't know why people didn't like the omega. He's so unserious yet grew to love the alpha and dominant enough to make it interesting. The alpha clearly loves him because he is the way he is, he's not a victim lmao
I think it's jarring and not very convincing to have such an unserious character committed to something that is being treated so seriously [by the alpha], like marriage, when omega's whole life is about sex and other desires. Also I'm pretty sure omega's not in love with alpha, cause they're both CRAZY people that do not care for traditional compassion. I guess you could still argue that it's love, but then it's like asking the audience to sympathize with the two which I mean
So it works out and because of that, it also makes neither of them the victim! So hooray
The top wanting the bottoms first anal to be without preparation is straight up evil. That boy would bleed and tear and it wouldn't feel good at all. Who even does that? Some slapping is fine, great even but no prep?? Hot anyway, but come on.
no like is it that hard to stretch him out for 10 minutes? mans not even trying
I WAS ABOUT TO SAY THE SAME THING!!!! that's just horrible and unsafe
As someone who has zero patience and enjoys large insertion, yes, you can get off on it. It's actually not insane for the Dom sub community, but shouldn't be done in general, because sepsis is a thing. The Dom should have known better for sure.