why everyone so lacking the very basic logical thinkings? an underage girl want teach an adult male on his own job. I mean seriously?! she find clues like high rank magic stones and had seen how MC grab fucking boiled water pot IN FRONT HER EYES.
the other female want to protec and MC safety but dont want other hunter in the party because jealous BS. it doesnt need to be smart. it like all the females has brain dead or something
i remember there some left on the letter tho? I dont remember exactly what written but it more or less goes like this "I am starting afraid to wait. what if I waiting and waiting but you still not come back? so yes, just like you waiting for me for 4 years I also gonna wait for you for 4 years. if you still not going back... then it my turn to come to find you, and never let you go anymore"
I think what you implied is the one in novel. But this one and the novel version kinda have similarity like adolph keep waiting him in his dream(but in novel adolph use drugs to force his imagination to meet him in the dreams) tbh i still don't know too because i've left this manhua because this is not got for my health too crying at middle of night
I hope my queen get pregnant soon so that stupid emperor regret it for life