I'd like to see Wachi give up and leave Makio even just for once. It'd be great if uke comes begging back to seme but seme has gone all too cold. Yah know. Some drama shit like that. #wishfulthinking

Have you... not read this manga? Waki left Makio in the earlier volume which led him to follow Waki all the way across the country. Waki tested Makio in the past. Besides, it's a wonderful change in the cliche BL narrative. It's always the uke begging and sobbing for the seme to come back or return his feelings. Think Kuroneko Kareshi, think I Wanna Be Naughty, majority of BL involves a clingy, dramatic uke. If you prefer those, there's a staggeringly wide variety to chose from.

Uhm so idk what's happening. I thought we were having some flashback? And now they're doing it? What about the rape at the beginning? Uwaa tasukete!

I think they're back to the present, where takato came to visit chunta
And takato have realize that it was junta who saved him, when junta asked takato, "can I still like you"

Uhm.. Why does everyone think Subin is gonna end up with Hyunwoo and not with Hyung?

Probably because they view Hyunwoo as the other main character. But I feel Jun stands a good chance. As much as people want to downplay Jun its a fact he has had more moments with Subin by far than Hyunwoo who has had none. People can go if, later, in the future, etc all they want. Right NOW there is no Subin/Hyunwoo.

Because of the title and cover page maybe lol

.I wish even if he got together with Hyunwoo , Hyunwoo have nightmare daily of Jun and Subin having sex with eachother even when hynwoo is having sex with Subin too .And I guess most people here are think worst situation possible here so that they can prepare for the worst and can be really happy if Subin and Jun ended up together

Eh, didn't Subin and Hyunwoo did it first when they were drunk

you wish....
Smutty angsty yaoi with good plot and art.. SIGN ME THE FUCK UP!!!