Hi! I am opening this discussion since i believe MangaGoers are very diversed and critical, and we all have seen how we view and discuss certain issues there are on mangas.

So, after seeing a lot of threads in some manga/manhua, there are still some people who justifies rape with their argument that it's only fiction! or that if the person didn't "mind" it then it's not rape! A certain manhua's premise is literally rape where the girl's under the influence of drug and ML had sex with her, for everyone, is this rape or not? Now, what if we'll take in the factor of how it was afterward? So when the gurl woke up, she apparently didn't react in any violent manner or something, and thus other people justifies that it's ok since the gurl herself didn't mind.
Some questions i'd like to hear from everyone especially those who dont believe in sex in fiction, 1) How do you define rape? 2) What are rhe factors that make a sex into rape? 3) What makes it not rape? 4) Is everything justifiable/alright as long as it's fiction?

(this is why i love mangago aside from it's a manga website, you learn and discuss things with the other users! maybe i should make a study based on this website. if some also noticed, we can make a study of the readers development and the pattern of, if i dare say, the improvement of the readers social awareness based on the comment sections! or like the trend of readers comments, or like when did readers started to get out of the idea that no need to get agitated on fictitious stories!)

ANYWAY! Thank you to those who will answer! lezz begin!

EDIT:: i realized i asked some wrong question and missed my point due to my phrasing. to clarify on, i'd like to raise the issue of do we recognize rape in fiction the same way we do irl or not? because it seems like there are many times we missed it as such because it's just fiction. also coming from argument like since the character didn't mind it, then it's no rape (which also happens in real life but is more prevalent reaction in reading ) do we dismiss the event as no rape?
2020-06-05 18:14 marked
What chapter can I read from the anime I finished watching, what chapter can I read??! Thanks for your help I appreciate it
2020-06-05 15:58 marked
To people that has been here from the early beginning, was it more friendly or is it always been the same thing? I’m curious from how every people’s real opinions are justified from how wrong it is no matter what subject is they’re saying. Illegal or not, do you think people should have more respect? Idk, but please tell me how it was like when mangago was still new.
2020-03-26 21:06 marked
Yaoi w/ seme jacking off on uke and ejaculates on uke while uke is asleep?
2020-03-24 20:09 marked
this item will be show after approved
2020-03-16 13:21 marked
Hi guys ,
In case anyone wants to take over here is a list of some of the stories I was uploading.
The dragons king
Viewfinder Ez
Incidentally Living Together
Back to School
My Suha
The God of Pain’s Groom
Scandalous M

Hope this helps
2020-03-13 15:14 marked
It's free and I'd rather you go here than to some obscure website with ads that make $ off authors stuff that's she's made for free!
2020-01-29 12:31 marked
this item will be show after approved
2020-01-23 08:47 marked
1. Awesome we have chapters, but someone was hurt in the process?
2. Did the translators not want their shit shared anywhere or just shared slowly?
3. If they didnt want their stuff shared no matter what and wanted it to be some dirty little secret? I really dont understand why translations teams get like this. Follow EXR scans lead and just share christ almighty. The powers that be are not gonna throw you into jail for something petty like this, grow some balls.
2019-12-01 09:13 marked

Well, personally, it doesn't affect me one way or the other and that is because I have studied psychology and sexual psychology for many years. Rape has been part of romance for as long as stories have been told and written. And there is a good reason for it. As humans, we desire things and we are greedy by nature. However, the things that help us ......

2019-09-27 03:26 marked

I'll star addressing the rape fantasy myth that some users keep repeating, when they have never ever been around with people with those fantasies. and also I'll explain a bit some fact behind the problem of rape an all adult and manga genres. rape is not a yaoi thing, rape is part of all manga and anime adult genres. japan has the biggest rape cult......

2019-09-27 03:19 marked
Is it just me? From chapter 3 onwards it's the same chapter 1 that's been repeated
2019-08-31 20:24 marked
I want to make a webtoon so I gathered some tropes for the story however I ended up getting too carried away and made too many tropes for me to work with xwx
Please let me know which trope is the most interesting and I'll prob focus on that. (I wrote some of these tropes half awake so they might not make sense on some parts >q<)

1: An outcast witch saves a vampire running away from a mob of humans attempting to kill him. They become a couple later on and go on wacky adventures featuring supernatural creatures and witchcraft.
They're a switch couple and the vampire is verrrry toll

2: A story about 2 special escort service workers falling in love. The main couple is a switch and both female, however, the more dominant one out of the couple mostly bottoms.

3: A boy questioning his sexual identity stumbles upon a renovated cafe that once was a gay bar and meets the owner who is an openly gay man who once was a regular at the bar. The cafe owner mentors the boy about discovering his identity and shares his experiences of being a homosexual in very traditional times. The 2 have a platonic relationship since the owner is likely middle-aged/elderly whereas the boy is in high school.

4: An omega sheep-girl meets an alpha wolf-boy and the sheep-girl reveals to be sadistic in bed and likely pegs the dude at some point.

5: The daily lives of a sorcerer and knight couple that live in a world plagued with beasts that are their race's main source of resources. The knight is a buff dude who is a power bottom and the sorcerer is a seductive, charming dude whos versatile

6: A fellow priest discovers an injured woman in an alleyway and saves her by bringing her to the church he resided in. The girl works as a nun but later reveals to be a devil and seduces the priest. The girl is actually not a succubus (won't spoil her true identity) and reveals to the priest that he is tainted which explains why she was able to enter the church unharmed. The priest is into bdsm and the demon girl is the mistress.
2019-08-08 23:55 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2019-04-12 16:17 marked
You know what I’m sick of seeing pages of rape arguments. Guess what they address it in the comic that Hye-sung could have filed a rape report against Dojin for the sexual assault he had done on him the first time they met. However Hye-sung in a semiconscious haze ends up sexually assaulting and raping Dijon. Now for all of you Dijon didn’t stop him people this is the only time I will use this as an excuse. In a lot of Omega verse comics if someone is “in a heat phase” it kind of makes other loose their inhibitions and go wild essentially. Now degree of this differs per artist but I’m going just roll with it. Dojin states he doesn’t understand where his logic and common sense is going because being around Hye-sung in particular is bringing out this more instinctive side of him and he starts loosing control of himself. He even states how disgusted it makes him feel. The only common sense he had enough for at the times where he himself wasn’t hazy was to try and prevent Hye-sung from getting pregnant. Which ended up not working anyhow , I’m going to guess his condom was broken...., and try and finish this “stupid” heat induced sex craving so Hue-sung could calm down.

Now both of them are in the wrong for using one another and not communicating efficiently. Hey-sung tends to leave out important details or just tries to do the simplest quickest solution. He literally ran away from home in his last year of high school it’s implied and quit school because he’s “dumb”. Which may not be the case at all. It seems like Hye-sung is a mathematics savant since he was young, which might also be carried over to some other subjects like physicis which requires a lot of math, and has gotten a lot of negative treatment from his father. So I don’t know what happened with his family since it’s not stated but I’m guessing it was more of child neglect and verbal negativity given to him to the point where he gets test and performance anxiety attacks. He’s scared to the point that he essentially fails the things that are easy for him to do otherwise when he’s not being judged.

Now for Dojin, he did use Hye-sung as a muse of sorts, finds other omegas disgusting and the one who he did take home and couldn’t even get in the mood with looked very similar to Hue-sung in appearance type. Aka Hye-sung is most likely Dojin’s actual preferred type. (Cute ones essentially) he also doesn’t really let people into him head and likes to be in control when he thinks others are pushing their ideas a bit too much in him. He clearly doesn’t know how to start a relationship that should last and his sexual and emotional attraction to Hye-sung is both disturbing and a mystery to him. He’s completely confused why he’s acting this way. It’s like someone else has control over his body, especially in chapter 19 when he takes advantage of Hue-sung and it takes him a long while to snap out of it.

Both are being manipulated by their bodies without their control and now both are taking advantage of the situation at hand to be the most beneficial for them. Which I can’t blame one side without blaming the other. Clearly they both have their fair share of problems and the author decides what to do not us so can we all take some chill pills!?
2018-06-03 21:49 marked
He was clearly unconscious, his alpha instincts kicked in (you can see his eyes glazed over) and he went into "pregnancy mode". The same way Hyesung's eyes glazed over and he forced sex on Dojin multiple times. Hyesung even says "his eyes... Get ahold of yourself!" (ch 19, pg 3). If this was rape, then so were the last few times they had sex where Hyesung came onto Dojin while unconscious/ in his pheromones. As soon as Hyesung started to hurt, Dojin was able to snap back to his senses and TRIED TO PULL OUT. Unconscious=can't control himself. When he WAS conscious he tried to pull out, but he'd knotted inside Hyesung while he was unconscious (this is a VERY important piece of information to take in as without it, it looks like he's just NOT pulling out while hurting Hyesung. He PHYSICALLY couldn't pull out. Read about "knotting" here: http://haberkonium.tumblr.com/post/146555840779/omegaverse-explained-knottingbonding-edition, if you need, it's a biological thing in canines.), so he could only wait till it shrunk and he could physically pull out. He didn't keep fucking Hyesung when he regained consciousness, he stopped and waited, WHILE INSIDE HIM, till his dick went flacid enough that he could pull out while trying to comfort Hyesung during the wait. He didn't use his pheromones to rape Hyesung, he used them to show that he'd never used them before. He was saying that all the sex they'd had up till now was free of his pheromones as Hyesung didn't know what they felt like till now. "Have i ever released my pheromones in front of you? I was nice to you. I let you make yourself at home. So what's the problem (with staying here)?" (ch 18, pg 7 + 8). Some spoilers here: it wasn't even this round of sex that got him pregnant, it was when Hyesung was unconscious/in his pheromones and mounted Dojin that he got pregnant. The one where he says "i want a baby". HE got HIMSELF pregnant when he mounted Dojin, who had been asleep. Dojin doesn't consider Hyesung a "surrogate", he's in love because they're a fated pair, he says in the raws "there's still time" (to win Hyesung over) after Hyesung gets upset about the shoes. He wants Hyesung to keep the baby because he loves him and it's their child, he also wants Hyesung to raise it with him. It's why he's so desperate to keep Hyesung from leaving.
2018-06-03 21:24 marked
do you guys actually ship sangwoo and yoonbum
2018-05-13 20:08 marked
Is there such thing as a yuri omegaverse? I think I've only seen yaoi ones. If it is a thing, can the females get other females pregnant? lol
2018-04-13 00:14 marked

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