Here everyone is saying it's disgusting, ridiculous etc. And our mc doesn't even love romantically nor she's aware that tita has feelings for her. And it clearly has romance tag so y'all should know where it's going , you don't have problems with a 1000 year old vampire loving a 16 year old. Another thing have you all read "guiding my rival to become the emperor " it's something more digusting because in there the mc is 20 year old or so and is trapped in a body of 8-9 year old and our ml is 11-13 year old and and she starts developing feelings for him. Now that's what we call disgusting.

Ok I got it you want to live for yourself , good. I get that you've been betrayed by God and died in a terrible way when it was not your fault but aren't you the same as them who killed you. Living and fighting for yourself is not wrong but killing an innocent person who hasn't done any harm to you rather he adopted you it's not called being wiked but evil and corupt .

I really don't get why so many people are loosing their shit because of that. Calm your tiddies! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Killing her 'father' is the last good thing and the first bad thing she ever did! After all he was a heinous criminal in her last life as well as now. In what world is that SCUM an innocent person? Are you crazy?!Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) and she was only using him for her revenge from the start anyway. Nothing wrong about that she's rebelling against the godess after all! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ As @Naruto said she never justified anything! She WANTS to be EVIL!! That's like the keypoint of the whole story! Don't like don't read! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Why do yaoi or sometimes even shouen ai manga make it seem like bisexuals don't exist ??? It's just funny.
Right??? The teacher is obviously BI
Lmao ikr I was like- bruh if he said he was bi then problems would be solved lol
Maybe its got something to do with language?
In my language we dont even have a term for "straight" and "bisexual"
I like men and women, Im not straight but I wouldnt call myself gay either
Lol can bi-erasure happen if bi didn't even exist in the language at all yet?
Well but you can say that you like both but no inmost of the mangas it's either straight or gay like parallel lines. Most of them just deny to recognise bisexuals.
I guess its hard to recognize it when there's no common word for it? Again I'm not sure about how it is in Japanese
In my culture its kinda similar? Its either people label you as straight or gay and usually nothing in between because a.) Ignorance b.) Having no word for bisexuals and the concept of it generally not being commonly discussed
Unlike in the west or in the english language, sexuality has a lot of labels and is very openly discussed
theres def a term for bisexuals in japanese, so this is not the case.
i dont wanna assume, but perhaps you might not be familiar w the lgbtq language of your country? bc my language doesnt have the appropriate terms for anything lgbtq related as well. we dont even have terms for “straight” and “gay”. instead, we adopt those terms from english. perhaps that might be the case w your language, but it doesnt necessarily mean it doesn’t exist.
This is like REALLY late, but the teacher seems more like he’s demisexual/demiromantic, with more leaning to girls? Cause he doesn’t find guys attractive, but after getting to know ml, he starts to see him as attractive and falls in love with him, despite being “straight”