maomao created a topic of Jinx

im sure the redemption arc hasn't started yet because what the fuck

maomao created a topic of Gochisousama ga Kikoenai!

i am not prepared for this excuse me?????

maomao created a topic of Jinx

i love how the comment section are PISSED of jaekyung's appearance lmaoo

on the other side tho, i hope the writernim make jaekyung suffer to death. and pls don't make it so easy for kim dan to go back to him istg sweet words are nothing, his confusing actions are not sweet, like kim dan wake up that's the person who destroyed you and your heart and soul

maomao created a topic of Jinx

i wish he suffer even more

maomao created a topic of Dreadful Night

is the idea of the story is 'if a psycho meet another psycho' kinda stuff or what
it's interesting tbh

maomao add manga to list material

Pairings: Haru x Rin, Makoto x Haru, Rin x Sousuke...

  • Author: Karaage of the Year,KURAAGE Muchio
  • Genres: Adult / Doujinshi / Yaoi
maomao created a topic of Waterside Night

reminiscing how my heart ache when euihyun got hurt, how mad i am at taeju for being an asshole, crying for euihyun and his brother's bcs they are so precious for each other, thirsting over taeju's cousin (girl so hot who wouldn't want her), and now it's over with FINALLY WE GOT TO SEE EUIHYUN SMILING

maomao created a topic of Waterside Night


maomao created a topic of Waterside Night

that's it, the guilt. this may be the final blow for both of them to start facing their relationship properly. while taeju shows that he's serious about euihyun, it doesn't felt enough to make up for shit euihyun has gone through bcs of him. can't even blame euihyun for being confused about taeju's feeling for him lol.

im kinda glad he had miscarriage. don't attack me, the baby is innocent but it happened under the circumstances where euihyun was r worded.

maomao created a topic of Waterside Night

the baby will be one hell of a supreme alpha i believe, the genes are just... amazing..

i keep yelling in my head because they're yelling in the dialogue and it's kinda funny when i realized lol

TELL ME THIS IS NOT THE ENDthey are my comfort characters really. on days i had trouble sleeping, i re-read this and it helps so much. when i feel down, burnout, stress, reading this made my brain back to a calm state and clear my mind. it's just a personal experience haha idk how to express how dear it is for me :'

maomao created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

no i don't want to blame sooyoung that he's been like this naive dense character like okay he is manipulated by taeji but the recent chapter feels like a pure stupidity of his. not wanting to find the source of 'strange' things happened to those who are close to him is one thing, but he should've sense something wrong when that one (i forgot his name) close friend of him suddenly went quiet and cut him off, followed by rumors spread around about him, and now gyujin shows up to warn him about taeji.

AND no sooyoung, taeji IS laughing at you for not getting into your dream university which is so important to you. and you're so wrong to confront him about gyujin's finger like what'd you expect him to say? "yes i did it"?????

i wish the two of you never get together. IM SO SORRY BUT HELL NAH i don't want to see sooyoung in the same condition as taeji's mother.

this feels personal, i had this friend who doesn't know when to stop talking. idk if they meant any harm but i had a ROUGH time one time because they're yapping just like what tanaka did :/
anyway what the ml said was too harsh, like, talk about wanting to protect the mc but then why chose those kind of words which absolutely will break the mc's heart?

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maomao created a topic of The edge of ambiguity

you guys it's not the friends' fault they chose to leave sooyoung:/ I'd totally do the same, like who tf can stand up for sooyoung when you know how psycho taeji is lol

my thoughts change over time, at first i was like oh this is interesting but now it's pure horror and feel so uncomfortable to read

maomao created a topic of Waterside Night

i like how the illustrator draw taejoo on his rage, nothing cool about it, they just shows how scary he actually is. praying for the kidnapper's well being, he won't meet death easily