Eww, Imagine trying to be shady and remove Jeyys notice saying youll upload the officials as if most of these comments arent from 2024 and alot of us have the notice reading history bookmarked.
If you want to upload officials dont try to be skechty and try to claim what others already have.

Now you’re going to pretend you didnt know their notice was there. The only way it would have been removed is if you reported it. I’ve been an uploader on this site for 5 years, its not really important but i wish youd stop lying to people and trying to snatch from other uploaders. couldve just said “I’ll upload the officials until jeyy gets back but the wasn’t the case at all” anyway i said what i had to say.

People are cheering but the side ml is actually a pos and I prefer the main ml

Sweetheart, I don’t know how long you’ve been reading bl but clearly it hasn’t been long enough because you will come to find so many bls where the love interests are not good at all their actions aren’t justifiable but no matter what they will always end up together. Especially in love triangle scenarios, the mc always ends up with the “worse” person. Don’t get your hopes up </3 it’s just a fact you gotta accept. And no one is “rooting” for a r@pist, it’s just the reality for many stories. We just think the ml is more interesting than the second lead and thats honestly a fact, the interactions between the mc and ml is far more engaging and interesting.

Don't know what gave the impression that I'm new to bl cuz I'm not new to it at all. I've been reading for 9 years in total. Wow. Almost a decade. I feel old and I haven't even crossed 23 yet. At some point, toxic stories kinda start getting predictable and you start craving something sweeter, where people aren't gravely suffering before they actually get a happy ending. I don't have my hopes up at all cuz I've read the worst of the worst and I know how this all ends. But a girl can dream, yeah? And I get that you people aren't "rooting for the r@pist" but y'all weren't wishing for his de@th either.

Right I also felt suspicious cause in the novel from the first uke just assumed that his mother was killed like the other tribe members by The King but it was never actually shown what actually happened and who actually killed his mother so I was very much suspicious cause this man is too sweet to be true.

Both ml are shitty, they're brothers after all. It's just picking your poison on who's better for MC but since this is just one of the toxic bls with predictable boring plot that's only good because of the art. It's obvious MC's gonna end up with the ML who abused him first lmao. Y'all be saying the second ML is boring as if the first the first ML isn't even MORE boring. If we're gonna base it on character development then the first ML is even more boring cuz the character development is repetitive. You can literally see this type of trope in every toxic bl.
If y'all rlly like a toxic character, don't justify it. Just own it, don't make a comparison or excuse when you can literally tell there's not much difference on who's boring than who lmao.
how are you going to call her a “filthy whore” when all you do is sleep with maids who’s job is to clean “filth” off the floors and walls. Sit down and stay in your lane sir. Then again that won’t be needed seeing as how she pushed you down the steps