you guys are taking this too deeply, the only “miscommunication/red flag” there is relationship insecurity and ML not totally willing to say how many ppl he slept with before (which I get). If MC has a problem he should bring it up, end of.

Well, in all fairness, MC asked why ML suddenly had to leave that day, and ML was tiptoeing around the subject not willing to give a straight answer, so MC is right to feel insecure. Like ML had to leave right away and didn’t reply for two days but it wasn’t that serious? Of course thatd spark doubts.
It’s normal to not want to address this, Gunwoo doesn’t want to sound accusatory if ML ends up being extremely justified in his actions and then Gunwoo will be the asshole for suspecting something, which could damage the relationship.
But I do agree Gunwoo should just fucking address his concerns, mainly cause this feels forced, cause ML never showed any signs of being secretive. So it’s weird that he is now about his fam.

Yeah I’m not saying that mc doesn’t have the right to feel insecure, i bought it up cause it’s valid. But it’s strange how ppl are saying he should break up with him (and go as far to date that stalker) instead of just sitting down and having a chat. Also tbh they haven’t been dating for long, Gunwoo not giving explicit details on where and who he was with is not strange

Guys somehow I’m on chapter 750 on the novel and I just really hope they make Nahan hot

It’s not too short and tbh he’s so hot I don’t mind that much (here’s the link of the chapter he gets introduced https://newtoki467.com/webtoon/42123802?stx=%ED%84%B0%EB%8B%9D&toon=BL%252FGL)

someone pls give me novel spoiler and tell me how pisster dies

Unfortunately from where we are, very far :( bcs they need to reveal the betrayal of lister, mc being snatched off his position as king, MC's family deaths and so on. There's ALOT to uncover still. So the truths must be all out, then the preparation for the battle, lastly the battle then boom pisster dies :D
would have chucked the popcorn bucket at his head
Lolll fr tho and he even had the nerve to call him 'dude' like tf bro