Recs for bls where they are in a fake relationship first? Thank you!!!!
Hey guys! Any recs for bls where the ukes ex leaves him for someone else, cheats on him, or breaks his heart. Thank you!!
Hey y’all! Do you guys have and recommendations for anything where the seme loves someone else at first?
Recommendations for bls of ex best friends?
Y’all PLEASE I need a bl where the seme is not trying to commit and is using the hell out of the uke then the uke makes his ass jealous PLEASE I LIVE FOR ITTT
I haven't read but I see people saying seme is trash and that he tried to get the uke gang raped. Is there any redemption, remorse, REAL love . Or is he just after his body the whole time.
Recs for bl where there seme likes someone else at fist please!!!!
Nooooo! Poor Dan…. you can tell he's lost a lot of weight too
I’m feeling sad y’all so can y'all recommend some bls that won't make me feel like shit. Thanks
Wait he didn’t really do anything wrong this time why are we fightinggg. I mean yeah he might have said some mean things in the past but he’s changedddd let’s make upppp
I’ve wanted Ezez to be the ml so bad bc his cheeky ways and blond hair remind me of Chat Noir lol but I do feel really bad for Joseph. W Joseph
I’m just looking for some really good mpreg stories. Any recs? HAPPY NEW YEAR.
THATS WHY IHEON ASKED IF HE WOULD BELIEVE IF SOMEONE SAID THEY CAME FROM THE FUTURE. Iheon thinks he came from the future/ went back in time from death while Huimin thinks he came from another world but in reality he really does have D.I.D.
Recs for good omegaverses where the omega gets pregnant on a one night stand with alpha