No, i hate when people say i like a character just because of their looks. Theres more to a character then just their looks. Yall nagito haters especially, always getting on my case saying hes a pyscho that i only like because hes handsome. Yall realize hes more than just a "pyscho". Edit- ive also noticed a shit ton of nagito haters are really fu......
2021 is off to a great start. In the U.S we still have covid. Cases are sky rocketing. Our president has been impeached twice now. And we had rioters strom the capital trying to murder our congressmen and vice president. So you know it's just another day in the U.S. All of this is and it's only mid January.
This is not okay. Some of y'all even have the nerve to joke about this. Whoever wrote this question needs help, and not in a sarcastic way. I genuinely think that this is not the most productive way to seek help. This whole site is filled with trolls and even if you are posting this as a joke, I'm still worried for you. I don't even have the energy......
The morning after I killed myself, I woke up. I made myself breakfast in bed. I added salt and pepper to my eggs and used my toast for a cheese and bacon sandwich. I squeezed a grapefruit into a juice glass. I scraped the ashes from the frying pan and rinsed the butter off the counter. I washed the dishes and folded the towels. The morning after ......
Oh yes, hi. Currently since im 13, im going to study arts, sculptery, video editing and take some photoshop classes. idk when but while im still in highschool im gonna start doing youtube vlogs for some c a s h to save towards student loans unless i get a scholarship. after i graduate highschool im gonna try to apply to notre dame university (if ......
i'm 31 years old. There are many good answer to this question.. some of my advices are written for others persons already, so i'll say 2 that i want to add or emphasize: 1- Do what you want to do. But i'm not speaking only about dreams, i'm talking about all your choices. Dont let others provoke you; dont listen to all the advices/suggestion/etc yo......
23 year old here. But unlike others, I had an almost fatal car accident that left me with serious after effects. So serious to the point where I was discharged and told that I, that I will die the next time I faint again. Considering my life and my time in the hospital, and also the fact that I lost part of my memory (partial memory loss),......
I'm 44, so I'll add my 2c here. Take chances. Make mistakes. Fail. And learn from all of it. The caveat, of course, is that there is a limit to how epically one can fail and still not have life suck big purple fuzzy donkey balls for the rest of your life. But no one succeeds at everything they do. (Even Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, I promise!) E......
I am 42 and I have only one advice: Do not idealise anything! Do not idealise love, marriage, religion, politics, your career, your children etc... We are all humans and everyone will fail at some point. I often see ppl with lofty ideals and when those ideals come crashing down, some never recover and to this day hold grudges. I see parents who pla......
I will be my 2D husbando's wife...I mean I am already but I will be I mean uuh what was I thinking again? Argh forget what guys the future is unpredictable anyway ( ̄へ ̄)my anxiety and bipolar disorder are already at their best limits (⌒▽⌒) no more overthinking Lemme read manga u all.. *Me trying to see my bright future*
Guys... Be honest...