some of u genuinely needs to touch grass cuz yes the racism is there only for context like it’s used as a writing tool for the purpose of conflict from the title to the plot.
for exemple u ain’t writing a story about colonisation or racial segregation, fictional or not, and then no one is racist like you know something isn’t adding up also plz I understand that racism is a very important topic that needs to be addressed but sometimes some of u don’t even take the time to process your emotions and might accuse the wrong person of racism like here we don’t know so let’s be careful please
Why u being so hostile when I tried to be kind? Now I gotta pull my indigenous card on someone like u cuz m tired of being accused of being uneducated ! m from an indigenous country that has been colonised by arabs, french and english men. We only received our independence recently in the 60s so m very well placed to talk about this shit. Now I don’t say I represent all indigenous ppl bc in our community we also have different opinions, and it’s a very complex societal issue, as it’s not always black n white. That said, in this situation I know m right n m tired of outsiders dictating me about how I should think. First of all I am not glazing Japan, in fact the only thing I like about that country is food n mangas, end of story. Now “I didn’t read this shit” in ur other comment proved me why ur acting like a clown. At first I was very wary about this too so I read it at my own risk only to be genuinely surprised by it. It’s actually very realistic n refreshing n i loved how the author wrote it. Now about the colonist x indigenous this one doesn’t really fall in that category, n secondly m going to say something that will cause u an aneurism but I don’t see the issue with coloner x indigenous when it’s handled rightfully n not just blindly being romanticised, mostly that this one is fictional too. An example of that trope being wrong n offensive is pocahontas, and that’s due to them erasing the true story which was very disgusting. So now u open a book to improve ur reading skills cuz I had to lower my iq to talk to you.
He had a type...