What the actual fuck, first he didn't care about her then suddenly HE RAPED HER??? then when she gave birth he really had the audacity to smile at another girl WITH HER CHILDD nah fuck it he's not even the child of the father at this point even if they're blood related, he didn't care for her pregnancy and just went there with ANOTHER GIRL? idc if it's those misunderstanding or he'll change tropes I fucking hate him I'm crying
Ngl the brown haired guy looks so basic how did the fl think he's the perfect candidate- litterally looks like an extra oml and he's so fjcling rude like "she won't care if I arrive with you" HUHH ID BE SO IRRITATED IF SOMEONE SAID SOMETHING LIKE THAT TO ME cuz even if idc saying something like that isn't very noble like of him- he gives me bad vibes
uh.. Where's the handsome in him? his hair reminds me of boss baby..