Hate me all you want.. but you gotta accept that this webtoon glorifies rape.

Don’t know about it...
We will know if he really end up loving the seme.
I hope not...

The reason why I said 'glorifies rape' is not because of its depiction or drawing but because of the fact that this story is so widely popular, accepted and liked by readers when it's actually not a light issue. Many people might consider the rape (both mental and physical) as some twisted form of affection or attraction (they're shipping the characs together ffs), which is really grave as it dilutes the actual gravity of it, which is that it's rape and it shouldnt be tolerated.
Ofc it can also be viewed as a really fucked up yaoi story and the internet is the internet so I'm not one to judge anyone's taste, when I've read several Harada manga myself :)
Just bringing to light that this is not some hardcore yaoi but a really fucking dark yaoi :')

That's a different case ¯_(ツ)_/¯ yeah, shipping them is plain wrong, but like you said, it depends on the 'kinks' and each person's taste in 'fiction' (not my cup of tea tho). It has a nice plot and the manga itself doesn't glorify rape, it's the readers that support the dysfactional relationship in the 'plot'.

I don't rly agree. Thing is, we are surrounded by yaoi glorifying rape, seme shows his "love" by raping the uke, uke realises he loves the seme back, happy end. But we should not underestimate and undervalue a good manga bc it also has rape in it. The topic is obviously handled rather realistically and with the emotional charge that it deserves. Seungho is a person highly detached from his humanity that disregards people's feelings and orders them around. Not to mention we are talking about an era that the feelings of a servant where disregarded by most nobles. Others have analysed it better, but even without overthinking it, and with a clear mind of all cliche yaoi tropes you can understand by reading the manga that seungho raping na-kyum fits his character and makes a lot of sense that the plot progressed that way. They had sex while nakyum was drunk, nakyum showed his affection and when he took it back it enraged the spoiled noble and he took him by force. Yet thoughout all this we see by na kyums reactions and feelings that he obviously doesn't love seungho after he raped him. He is scarred and wants to get away from him. I'd like to think seungho will understand eventually that he can't win na-kyums affection by force, and that he needs to respect his feelings. I believe na-kyum will help seungho be more human. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Just because it is popular that doesn't mean everyone is here is okay with the rape. We are pretty uncomfortable by it too but the art is beautiful which means we come here often to enjoy the beautiful art. So many people here called seungho an asshole in the comment section actually. People hope he redeems himself why because realistically we know how many victims ends up with the rapist in ancient times. Most marriages in past societies are forced or arrange so rapist during marriage is very common. If seungho falls in love with nakyum in his own twisted way, we can only hope for that Seungho would treat Nakyum right or that Nakyum would finally be freed if he wishes for it.
They called the drawing the 'daddy'.
No one would want to be put in a situation like nakyum but like other said this is a pretty realistic depiction of rape and how people dealt with it at that time. NK is a poor commoner and can't go against a noble like Seungho. Seungho probably had to deal with shit on his own and become the twisted being that he is(enabled by the society). There is a pretty good analysis on this. Which makes the story so interesting because we get to see how their mind works and what made them to be here. Someone in this comment section brought up really important points and analysis. It truly makes the experience of reading this another level

I don't think most people read this as just a yaoi which glorifies rape but rather bc it's a different manhwa than the regular yaoi trope of some drama-falling in love-some more drama-happy ending. From the first chapter this manhwa is unpredictable and different than the others. No one expected Seungho to kill that servant without blinking an eye. Similarly no one expected Nakyum to kiss his Lord while being drunk. And literally no one expected rape to be shown in such a realistic way. Also no one expected Nakyum to have sex with Seungho to forget about his pain. This unpredictable factor is what makes this manhwa interesting and one of the reasons why people love reading it. There are various other factors like the historical background, the BEAUTIFUL art, the taboo relationship of a master and his servant and also how hot Seungho is and the sex scenes are drawn beautifully. So you can't just put all these factors in one small trope of yaoi which glorifies rape. It's just your opinion and I respect that but Painter of the Night is more than just a yaoi glorifying rape.
I literally get heartsick everytime I read this series ITS TOO CUTE