i wanted to read "a man of virtue" but i cant find it on this site, is it not on here?????
dont get mad at me but the fact that bro did that without his consent is kinda strange I KNOW THEYRE DATING AND DONGCHAN DOESNT HAVE ANY REAL OBJECTIONS but yknow.. u cant just eat ur partners ass irl while they're sleeping and not stop when they tell you to
its so shocking to realize how actually freaky they both are now that its uncensored sex in every chapter after censorship was removed is insane
i usually skip sex scenes but these ones are actually bearable they still have their personalities even though they're rawdogging it so it just feels like a regular chapter
of course its while shes drunk i can already smell the misunderstandings
i did not regist anything this guy was saying because what the fuck is he wearing next chapter hes gonna have an open ass window in his pants
i think this chapter gave me permanent brain damage