i really love this manhwa actually and its one of my favorites, its almost like a slice of life because of how much it expands on the characters personal lives and i really really really like that. the characters are all so loveable, even that fuckass brother
i don't personally think that the sex scenes are overdone because its.. a porn manhwa. plus them having sex is actually relevant to the plot due to the curse he had on him, and the sex wasn't really boring to read either because each sex scene was different with different porn tropes. it wasn't just boring rawdogging every time
i had a SLIGHT problem with the weird brother thing they had going on but the authors note cleared my suspicions AND jungoh having a stepbrother kink isnt all that crazy (him wanting to b called hyung in a brotherly way and making jokes about acting like brothers during sex) like its A LITTLE WEIRD but whatever
the only real problem i had was about the memory loss part i REALLY didn't like that because it did feel like it was a different version of jungoh that emerged out of memory loss, and i also just didn't like the fact that they disregarded the memories that ibeom made during their dreams together and they were just like "oh well, ibeom fell in love with jungoh as a person so their experiences together don't matter that much" that kinda ticked me off because yeah i guess you're right in the sense that ibeom still likes jungoh no matter what memories he does or doesn't have BUT THOSE MEMORIES ARE STILL MEANINGFUL TO HAVE
overall though i really love this manhwa its adorable and amazing
gonna b honest bro i love the first prince astana i cant really get angry at the villains in the story because they're all kinda one-dimensional and poorly written so i really really love the first prince I LOVE HIS DESIGN AND HIS PERSONALITY
What do u like about him ? ( ・ὢ・ )
his design really suits my taste, i love the color of his hair and his eyebrows as well as his eyes. his dark eyebrows paired with his upturned, perpetually angry eyes and that angry scowl just shoots an arrow through my heart
and then i just really like how much he's like his mom in a sense. he hates everyone whos in his way and he even has resentment for his mother because she doesn't let him do what he wants.
i also think its really cute that he likes hunting, its the only activity we've seen him do that doesn't involve any hatred, its just him doing something he's good at because he likes it and it strokes his ego when he's better than people at it (until inevitably the second prince starts hunting too) AND I THINK ITS ADORABLE
he also just kinda gave me slight second ml vibes sometimes with the way he looks and interacts with florentia, I KNOW IT WOULD B REALLY BAD AND TOXIC but i just really like complicated character development in mls who are bad people due to their environment and if he WAS the ml (which i know will never happen) it would be really interesting to see how his character developed from there
the fact that none of the villains really have any dimension to them is what stops me from hating them. the author basically gives the villain role to a character and makes it so that their character cannot develop for the better at all, EVEN CHILDREN arent given a chance to grow up and mature, they just stay evil, which is why i cant really hate any of them because they're kinda just treated like villain fodder instead of characters that have a choice to grow and learn
I agree with your last point ( cuz other points is subjective i cant agree nor disagree ╮(╯▽╰)╭). I also looooove the queen actually she has the brains but well still rooting for our ml, the villains do feel 1D tho like they were created just to be evil and they will keep on following that path with no changes which is sad but well most manhwas are like this