about two fathers who hook up and then there also a side story with their two sons.... one son is drawn as this super round chubby dude and before confessing his feelings to the other son he goes in the mountains and looses all the weight.... anyone?

There you go :)

I was wondering where I could start a topic... sometimes you see them on the right side of the page after you've finished reading a manga's current chapters or something... anyone?

I believe theyre called "thing"s ^^
http://www.mangago.zone/thing/creatething/ is this what you were looking for?
i apparently follow a tag but there's not even any manga set as the tag and the tag is kinda annoying to see since i'm not even using it >.>
what is the tag? I'm curious xD
I never heard it was possible, sorry, deal with it until the end
how do u follow a tag? *confused*
i have no clue how to follow a tag LOL .. i know hey are there when i decide to keep track of a manga (read, currently reading or want to read) but i don't know how I could've possibly followed one D:
another case for Detective Conan!