Garrabitch created a topic of One Husband Is Enough

why are the comments like that

Garrabitch created a topic of Meet in The Middle

yea the age gap is really weird i can’t read this

Garrabitch created a topic of Lucia

honestly loving the fact that she’s like flat cause you barely see these type of body shapes in josei

yea i stopped reading a while ago cause i got tired of how the author keeps on trying to push her to a new relationship, instead of her healing and having a girl boss moment.

Garrabitch created a topic of Full Moon Alchemist
Garrabitch created a topic of Can We Become a Family?

why does this barely have any comments, it’s a pretty good story

okay why did her coworker ruin the mood like that, that’s literally jealousy. I feel so bad for her first she’s literally poor, her partner cheated on her and some college boy keeps on trying to take advantage of the situation rather than just letting her heal. Like we need her to actually heal and glow up emotionally.

i keep on holding back from reading this cause i hate how the white haired girl can control anyone like that shit is so frustrating. I need the fl to be more powerful

i’ve been looking for something different and this is it bro, i need all manhwa authors to take note. I love it shows her having anxiety and actual stress of not going back to we world in the beginning, typical transmigrators literally just go with it and never question anything

Garrabitch created a topic of On Bad Terms

omg she’s 34 damn, anyways the art is so good i’m gonna let this marinate for some time

Garrabitch asked a question

i feel like there’s no more good historical manwhas anymore, all i see is that fucking reincarnation plot and i’m sick of it bro like please i need something unique and good. i’m tired of reading bl’s, i need some good straight romance i don’t care it it’s historical or not just please let it not be cringey

bro what happened to her face, she looks so plain now


someone spill me please i can’t take this anymore

Garrabitch created a topic of Soft and Squishy

someone recommend more like this pls