Qui Li's feed

Qui Li created a topic of Gokutora no Honey Bunny

This new chapter was meh at best and ew at worst. I get how it got to the point it did BUT it made little sense bc it had little to no build up AND basically forgot the assault factor????? Like if the uke was only beat up or smt like that, I would be able to accept it more, but an attempted assault?! Nope. Why is he apologizing for beating the assaulters up? Also if we had more clues from the start about the suspicions of the other group or their dynamics, it could have allowed for better build up to the whole talking it out. Maybe more interactions? Idk, maybe bc it is only 5 chapters and had a changing pace that it feels like there is missing content. Also the assault bit.

Was hopeful for more but alas, was disappointed enough to point it out.