LadyAmethyst October 29, 2017 8:27 am

I love that everyone is soooo pissed on the couple in the last story, but for me i cried because i can related to that. The difference is i already broke up with my ex after 7yrs together. Here's my opinion for anyone in their 3rd years of relationship but having more or less the same situations like the last can make it work or you can make it worse.

I'm sure there's a time where one experience a worse breakup & makeup situation..which usually after a constant of 'negative things' happened. But when the couple overcome those 'hardship', after that change to be better people and compromise in other things...the relationship will work. Not saying their life won't have a problem in the future in terms of working or living in the conservative/double standard society or having a spat or two etc...but they will overcome it together and live with each other forever.

BUT if it's otherwise, I'm telling you the negatives will keep repeating itself and got way worse...until the both of them become tired of it. This is the time when one of the couple or both of them feel like they're wasting times. Usually they tend to think they should have a clean breakup back when shit got worse the first time. But since it's too late, the breakup can get real messy..and can make a person's feeling go numb or give a mentally unstable.

Im saying this because i experienced it just like the couple in the last story. But mine is worse than them, and we should have a clean breakup in our 3rd years. I emphasize that because that's the max limit for 'honeymoon' phase. Lol. I'm not the only one experienced it as that also happened to few people i know that had their heart broken and have to wait for a few years before they start to actually met a good person they married with. But the one i envy is the couple that can overcome their first worse situation, and they make it work like it never happened and live happily with kids and still very much in love with each other. Yes i met these people, one of em is my cousin and his wife, the other one is my gay friends and the rest is just acquaintance.

That's why it made me cried, because i experienced it yet I'm not lucky to have a great ending like certain couples. Also it made me envy those people who finally found the right one after experienced their worse romance ever. Am i feeling lonely? Lol. But i do feel glad the author make that story; it's like telling the world there is that kind of relationship and whether it works in the end or not, will be up to you and you partner and what you both really want.

LadyAmethyst October 29, 2017 6:11 am

For a long while, my go to Manga before sleep is a BL that must have sex scenes or i try unique ones like Moritat (among other Manwha of course), Caste Game (why this keep popping up now and then idk geezz) etc etc etc. And then it went to anything mature and explicit, doesn't matter if it's BL or not. Just pure explicit or just simply djs with sex-scene without any plot at all. So it really really feel nice to read something like this out of nowhere. The plots, the characters, the very topic on a good single parent struggling but at long last he found a kind and warm-hearted person to help/love, the cute and little comedic out of ChizuChan that makes my heart's just sooo perfect to me. It didn't tear me up, but i do feel a little sad lingering at the end. Maybe i want it more, or maybe i wish to find a good family like this as friends in real life..or maybe i should try to find someone to put a flame in my heart. Lol.

Over 5yrs not having a serious relationship do makes me feel free but sometimes i admit i feel lonely because most of my friends have already married or/and become parents..while others have different priorities. The youngins I've been friends have different things to do. I could no longer talk about anime or manga with those of my age since they 'outgrew' them, and i stop playing games in 2009 so even if a few of em still play games..i can't really have a good conversation with em as idk any latest games. So sometimes i feel like i should stop all this and just concentrate on living like 'normal' find a husband, plan on travelling blablabla..but it didn't feel complete if i don't read a manga at least once a week. So reading this heartwarming manga really put me in a confusion state..atleast for my heart. *sigh*

    Anonymous January 15, 2018 2:05 pm

    A little late but...thank you very much for sharing this!

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 3:56 am

    You didn't mention your age, but I'll tell you mine, I'm 47 and I read manga like I breathe air. I play video games, preferably older games that I know well, like Witcher, Bio-Shock, Red Dead Redemption, etc. I also love anime and animated movies for kids. My ID says I'm 47, but my heart and mind tell me I'm 25 - I'm pretty sure one of them is lying and I'd swear it's the ID. LOL You are not alone. Age should never affect the things you enjoy. Keeping yourself young through games, anime and manga is a wonderful thing. If your hobbies were mystery novels, embroidery and thriller movies, would you feel better about them? They are the same though. Reading, using your hands; eyes and mind, and movies. It is only the genres and items you touch or use that are different. No one is too old for reading, movies or using hand/eye co-ordination. Rest easy. You're not doing anything all that strange.

    Wow February 25, 2018 5:47 am

    I agree with Mameiha , it doesn't matter age. I'm 37 . I've read Dickinson, all the Bronte sisters and Poe by the age of 11. I'm not so good at video games tho ..? I have 4 kids and my daughters and I watch anime and then my son also wants to watch anime with me (actually he's talking about watching Black Clover): And my six yr old son will sit beside me and watch anime with me and have me describe what's going on, ya know, because he can't read yet.... Oh.?? I forget to say I only watch anime with subtitles.... I watch t.v. and read at the same time... And I've done that for yeeeeeaaaars... so to me doesn't everybody do that?? Hehe.!

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 11:04 am
    I agree with Mameiha , it doesn't matter age. I'm 37 . I've read Dickinson, all the Bronte sisters and Poe by the age of 11. I'm not so good at video games tho ..? I have 4 kids and my daughters and I watch a... Wow

    LOL My kids got me into anime and manga and I got them into video games! They are all grown now, but I watch anime with my 5 year old grandson and 11 year old granddaughter. I also read manga with my 11 year old granddaughter. She is into shounen ai more than yaoi because I limit her exposure to explicit sex scenes, but she still enjoys reading with Obaa-chan. LOL I am even teaching her Japanese as we learn together. She enjoys being able to understand some of what is said in the anime we watch, now that she has learned some Japanese. These are wonderful activities to share with children. It forges a strong bond between parent and child, or grandparent and grandchild, when you share things you love with them. As for video games, my grandson loves to play Sonic with me and my granddaughter is into otome games thanks to Obaa-chan. We play Dream Boyfriend together. (It's like the digital version of paper dolls with a character chat mixed in, but with guys instead of girls. LOL) I also read and watch TV! So, maybe you're right, everybody DOES do that! Hahaha!

    Wow February 25, 2018 5:11 pm
    LOL My kids got me into anime and manga and I got them into video games! They are all grown now, but I watch anime with my 5 year old grandson and 11 year old granddaughter. I also read manga with my 11 year ol... Mameiha

    My stepson got me into anime and he's 21 now and we still watch anime together. It's gonna be great to see what kind of father he's going to be. That's great you're passing that enthusiasm along to your grand children!! I hope I will turn out to be an awesome grandma also! My kids are , daughter 16, daughter 14, son 11, son 6, so I don't really want grandkids yet. Hehe. My stepson graduated college and is deciding whether to go to Norway for more schooling or become a teacher. My daughters laugh at the thought of him being a teacher! I think he'd do really well tho. My daughter (16yr old) wants to learn Japanese and I told her maybe we should learn together, because her school isn't offering that option. I guess I should stop saying maybe and just do it, ya know, because May bees don't fly in February. Corny joke, I know, but I couldn't resist!

    Mameiha February 25, 2018 8:02 pm
    My stepson got me into anime and he's 21 now and we still watch anime together. It's gonna be great to see what kind of father he's going to be. That's great you're passing that enthusiasm along to your grand c... Wow

    There is a fantastic app called Human Japanese that I use with my granddaughter. It was created to teach Japanese as if you wanted to learn it fluently, unlike other apps that only teach you what a tourist would need on a visit. It was created by an actual Japanese Language teacher and, let me tell you, it is phenomenal. You learn all the hiragana, katakana and the first 80 kanji used most often. There is even a voice recognition feature to help with pronunciation. As you advance into words and sentences, English and romaji is replaced with katakana, hiragana and kanji. The three "alphabets" of Japanese. By the advanced app, you are reading even direction and explanation in Japanese. Human Japanese is not a free app like Duolingo, but it is far better and far more advanced. It is worth every penny of the $19.99 per level - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. I have been self studying for two years and I am in the second chapter of Intermediate. I can read, write and speak Japanese at about a child's ability. Human Japanese doesn't just teach you the language, it teaches the culture and customs of Japan as well. How to properly introduce yourself with a correct bow and why, outside of business, shaking hands is not acceptable. It is truly an incredible app for the money. It really is like taking a Japanese Language class in your own home. I also recommend finding an online friend or IRL friend, someone you could voice chat with or talk F2F with, who also speaks Japanese natively. I have an aunt who was born and raised in Hiroshima. She has helped immensely with my pronunciation, speed and comfort with speaking Japanese. I used to hesitate and stutter when I tried speaking to her in Japanese. Now, we greet each other and make small talk in Japanese as if we BOTH have spoken it all our lives! LOL You really have to get your mouth used to making new sounds and conversation is the best way to do that.

    I sincerely wish you and yours the best of luck with your endeavours in Japanese and I wish you and yours the very best in everything else as well. Ganbatte! (がんばって!)

LadyAmethyst June 25, 2017 11:55 am

For the past few weeks, I've been reading stories that needs me to think or on alert like Killing Stalking or Moritat etc, romantic shit like A Guy Like You or HxH Company etc, mature and explicit content like Rabbit Hole etc...before i come here thinking I'm gonna get a good 'fap' materials (not that i have one).

First chapter got me so eager with a possible few sex scenes, and then BOOM...that unexpected shit at the end just straightway KILL me. I laughed so hard for a full minute, rolling on my bed, kick my pillow..before i screamed (and still laughing) "WTF!!!!!"

Damn it bro! That's quite the fetish u got there buawhahahahaa seeing the girlfriend is so nice to play along is what triggered me the most LMAO!!! I applause for getting me to sign-in and comment this after for so long. Geezz!! XDD

LadyAmethyst November 24, 2016 4:12 am

Urrghhh..I need more chapters!!! I can always pay for this but the billing in spottoon and webtoon is giving me a hard time. Or was it because of the on-line banking system? Urgh whatever!

Anyway, just to *spoiler alerts* to some of you lots (kinda), June is NOT manipulating shit. He's the guy who almost lose his life to........(fill in the blank)........., the guy who really care about Yurim, the guy who go in between the parents and Yurim to make things better slowly but eventually (which took a different turn now because of those two stalkers; Sanho especially), the guy who definitely and already fall for her even when he try not to initially, the guy who tried to find solutions after solutions and give the best efforts for Yurim to have a normal life without being too scare and too dependent on her 'seeing', the guy who wants her to feel safe from the very beginning so he choose the role of protecting her, and finally he's the guy who happily become the boyfriend of Yurim because he loves her.

If it's just because he keep quiet about him knowing her parent and her past, he's been called as manipulative and shit, grow up (︶︿︶)=凸 it will be explained soon in the future chapters. I mean, think yeah! He had his reasons, he needs time before he could tell her. Yurim is like a bomb that could go off anytime if she's still in her own bubble. He needs her to slowly get out of it to see the world in beautiful lights, not the black shit. At least that's what I see him planning to do from recent chapters here (not from the spottoon, because I'll be saying a whole other things over there lol) before he tell her, so it won't be all heavy feelings for Yurim when the time comes.

I'm shocked to see there's people who asked June's supporters like me, to reevaluate my views just because he 'abused' Yurim's trust which is why he deserve to be called manipulative and it's Yurim's right to be all angry, feel betrayed and going all gangho about it. Errr bitch no! I'm no youngin' either. Yurim can feel all those stuff because she has the right too but they both need to have a real talk between them, heart-to-heart, completely without being bias about betrayal and shit. Real life situation, a couple can breakup from this or a couple can have a far stronger and better relationship as the outcome. But I place my bet on the latter for both June and Yurim, because they both deserve each other. I just hope Yurim won't blame herself when she found out the truth. Urrghh you're killing me!!!

    LadyAmethyst November 24, 2016 4:18 am

    Wow! That is sooo long lol sorry guys, I had to let it out of my system when I saw someone say shit about June and Yurim because it didn't go to what they want as it's not realistic at all. Meehh..not everyone is a jerk and think the world revolve around him/her. That's why relationship has different levels, stages and outcomes.

LadyAmethyst November 24, 2016 1:53 am

Idk why some of you ask for him to go back to his real body, like that's not important right now. It will be in the future, but not now.

I wanna see more of Taemin badass time in Siwon's body plus he finally got to study since he wanted to try it. I prefer he make it known to that group of rapist (the ones who make a mess out of real Siwon's life), as well as the brother, to never try to pissed him off again while making a few memories with Woojin during this time, as friend or couple whichever. Then, the author can proceed to show us the real Siwon's soul in anyone's body.

Okay, this is where it gets complicated for me. Remember the chapter when Taemin said he wants to live, which got him to wakeup in someone's body of whom wanted to die instead? The doctor even said that (real) Siwon doesn't seems wanted to wakeup. So if their soul are switched (omg nooo!), doesn't that mean the real Taemin body is beyond help and the real Siwon's soul is already off to Paradise!? Like if that's true, Taemin might be in a hell of emotions to his body and to Siwon in the future...which I'm sure Woojin will try his best to make Taemin happy, provided that he know it's real Teamin in Siwon's body of course. But if that's not the case, and Siwon stays in Teamin's body which is in comatose state, then the two might need to work on switching back...which is interesting to see how the author can make plots out of this. Hmm hmm^^

    LadyAmethyst November 24, 2016 2:21 am

    However, it is also interesting to see that Siwon live normally in Taemin's body. I mean after all those glorious moments of Taemin in Siwon's body, ans one day something just click in his mind so he try to find the real Siwon in his own body. Like he approach him, and the two have a long real-deep 'talk'. They both may have conflicts whether they wanted to swtch back or not.

    Idk what the author will do, but to be honest I don't mind either they switch back or not after all those times. If they do switch, Siwon will got a 'hyung' and probably a first real good friend to protect him which is Taemin, and he'll get to learn how to survive with him by his side. And Taemin got to be himself, let loose..and perhaps continue study with Siwon's help, but still befriends with Woojin and the rest.

    Though if they decide not to switch because they feel more comfortable in those bodies or/and their life, then it's all good. They both still can be friends, helping or look out for each other, and keep their friendship til they get old. It's all good, warm and all mushy stuff.

    Okay now that's all said and done, here's comes the BL questions. LOL!!! Who will be the couple? Siwon x Taemin? Taemin x Woojin? Woojin x Siwon (real)? Woojin x Siwon (Taemin takeover)? To be honest, I don't mind which become the cannon. Siwon is definely the Uke, whether it's real Siwon or Taemin's soul in that soon-to-be-lewd body. But both Taemjn and Woojin are Seme, though I could also see either can be the bottom. Haha! If according to their childhood moments, i'd say Woojin can be the Uke for Seme Taemin. But looking all rough and tough prick now, Woojin can definitely be the Seme to the tough 'don't-mess-with-me' Uke Taemin. Then again, with Taemin into boxing and high chance of better strength than Woojin, well it's gonna be good to see Woojin's crying face underneath Taemin. Muawhahahahahaa I'm such perv!!! Or they can be a 3-way relationship with Siwon being sandwich. Muahwahahhahahaha! Okay that's to good to be true. If it's a Dj, that might work. But for this, idk. I wish someone appear to balance them out. Maybe someone during Siwon in Taemin's body. Whoaaa!!! If that ever happen, make that someone a very awesome and loveable person please.

    Wow! It's way too long of a post hahahaha sorry! I just really need this out of my system. Or else it's gonna haunt me for the whole week. I already have enough with '19 Days' and 'A Man Like You', and soon to be busy with cousin's engagement party urrghhh T_T

    haru November 24, 2016 7:57 am

    i just realize taemin didn't look for his body, well if it was me i'll go to my house or my work and ask around ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    kbm November 24, 2016 11:51 am
    i just realize taemin didn't look for his body, well if it was me i'll go to my house or my work and ask around ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ @haru

    Me too! But the translator said that the reason he hadn't gone to find his body was because he was afraid of what he'll find

    CALL ME BLUE November 24, 2016 2:23 pm
    Me too! But the translator said that the reason he hadn't gone to find his body was because he was afraid of what he'll find kbm

    Now, that make sense why he's not searching for his body.Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

LadyAmethyst November 23, 2016 4:10 am

I wish Siwon can remember everything, the time the memories they shared together since they were little...before all those shit happened because of his shitty dad (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 which made him change into 'someone else' just to please the 'society standard'. Hmph!

But I also wish Jinha could turn his ego a little lower and help him remember since Siwon gave the meaning to his life, and he live for him. Just a little would be fine, and stop being all 'jerky' when things turn well in the future..though I love to see him tease Siwon til he cry. HAHA!

Okay back to the main point -> uurrghh so frustrating!! I know it's just a story but seriously, story like this especially in K-Drama, they tend to drag up to 10-20episodes before things started to unfold or look good. Geeez!! Sometimes it got me to the point where I keep asking "do you know how frustrated you people in K-entertainment made me (or us) feel?"( ̄へ ̄)

Like I had to take a 10 minutes break and mentally started to continue the story in my head until they both get a good and romantic ending, before I come back to the reality and typed this. Lol see how crazily frustrated I am xDD

p/s - better give me a very good sex scene by the end of it.. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

    finis coronat opus November 23, 2016 7:11 am

    You are totally speaking the truth.
    It's too dramatic and until they make up we have to see much more shit I guess.

LadyAmethyst November 18, 2016 2:42 am

I rereading this again from the beginning since I left it until the chapter where Nanahara finally confronted Ryuzaki. But yeah i've been rereading this for quite few times before that. Didn't think I come across this again and damn it, the feel is too real that I wish things just be over and both Yashiro x Doumeki get a happy ending...merrily fcking each other. This should be made into anine when it's all done. Seriously!!! Urghh I can already imagine a few seiyuus for both of them.....though right now I really wish to be able to listen to my (our) lovely All-Time BL Emperor and Empress as Doumeki and Yashiro respectively. But but but...urrghhh it's impossible wish!!!! So I'll be content with it being made into anime in the future with not-really-new-anymore seiyuus. #headache

p/s - I always forget this is not complete yet so when it showed the 'recommended section' after the last page of the latest chapter, I screamed for a second before I had to hold my voice and screaming my heart out for another good 3 seconds. Then i sit up on my bed and started punching my pillows for a while before I threw em to other side. I proceed with punching the mattress for a few times while screaming "urrghhh damn it!" before I laid flat on my bed, all silent not moving an inch, thinking how can I moved on. LOL! Damn i need to break up with this Manga for a while xDD

LadyAmethyst November 13, 2016 12:32 pm

Yup, it is soo bad! There's like a ton of the characters I want to bitchslap in this no no, maybe torture and kill them to satisfy my anger!!!! Hmph! Like really, fck off people. Don't bother Yurim and June anymore geeezz!!!!!

Anyway, the relationship between Yurim and June are sooo good. I meant the development and all mushy know. It's just that every chapter give a great ache to my heart, but at the same time I'm healed with the fluffy time. But imagine I went though all that, got the heartache and then got healed over and over and over again. Like urrghhh it's bad for my health!!! I drop this twice before I decided to finish it all just for June and Yurim's happy ending. Aahhh.. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

p/s - I pity the nephew. It's okay~ I can comfort you in my dream xDD

LadyAmethyst October 20, 2016 1:25 am

Finally, I found this again. But wow, imagine I only read around 30chapters when I found it once before, and now it's 180chapters. Damn! But seriously, the story is such a roller-coaster ride that it made me burst out laughing so hard. LOL!!!

On another note, at around 150chapters maybe, I did wish He Tian to be with Jang Yi. But when that redhead appear, I'm like "oh hoo a potential Uke specially for He Tian *smirk*". LOL!!!! That especially confirm when I know that there's a 'bond' between He Tian and Jang Yi because of their 'family'. So I ship more Xixi and Jang Yi for this, though I can already feel the sweetness when Xizi tried to protect Jang Yi during his fight with the redhead. Nevertheless the 180's cliffhanger is something to die for. I meant He Tian just got blown by th redhead when he asked if he's 'disgusting', yet he can't let go of his 'potential house keeper'...isn't that where the juicy part will come flowing?!?! (´ڡ`ლ) I sound so perverted XDD urgghh I soo can't wait for the next chapter (≧∀≦)

p/s - what makes this manhua such a crack is the story, the bonding, the expression, the "im not a gay" moments, and the many and open Fujoshi Army. awesome!!!!! ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Aiteal October 20, 2016 2:56 am

    you said everything i though about since i read it ^^
    Just, 180 chapter fly by so easily!!!! :'(

    Anonymous October 20, 2016 6:55 am

    Jian Yi*

    LadyAmethyst October 28, 2016 2:35 am
    you said everything i though about since i read it ^^Just, 180 chapter fly by so easily!!!! :'( Aiteal

    Ikr. I wish it was longer for each chapter, like about 20pages at least. Huhu! And look at the new update. Omg!!!! Go HeTian GO!!!!

    LadyAmethyst October 28, 2016 2:36 am
    Jian Yi* @Anonymous

    Whoever you are, thanks for correcting my mistake^^

LadyAmethyst September 17, 2016 3:29 pm

The last updated was Nov 19th last year. Omg!!! Why, what happened? Discontinued?

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