the dumb ass didnt even say sorry and he wonders why it didnt work lol
wait they actually made up omgggg they’re adorable im guessing this just has a couple chapters left since that was quick
Ahhh I knew he would remember eventually I can’t believe they left us with such a big cliffhanger im dyinggg
ive been waiting for Eclat to get some action for 85 years please they need to stop teasing
Ahhh my bby Yeomin doesn’t deserve this..I just wanna hold him
I’m not ashamed to say I cried with this last chapter they were so cute back then I need them to make up nowwwwww
I can’t believe it’s over I hope we get some extras or side stories
Wow that motherfucker doesn’t have a single shred of loyalty…he needs to die rn
Okay Mr. Park what a gentleman …Taeseo should take some notes
Dahyuk’s recklessness and bravery these past chapters is giving me so much life LOL
Why would he go along with a publicity stunt like that if he actually cared about the FLs feelings
She really couldn’t have mentioned her plan of faking her death in more detail to poor Cesio? The guy already had enough trauma why would she add more to it
This is honestly pretty frustrating to read at times…oh well atleast Ellen is being a more decent human being and not letting Freya influence her anymore
Okay this is starting to get messy….I think Carcel is remembering things too? But I refuse to read the spoilers lol I want to be surprised while reading it
Wait his POV is so cute please he had the most innocent crush before finding out about her fantasies lmaooo now I’m feeling kinda bad for him