As a genshin junkie, when i read the line “he needs to grind for artifacts” at chap 2 i just had to scurry my ass off to write this comment and ask whether i’m wrong or not bec if it is then i can ascend to celestia
Damn i love how straightforward they are unlike other ones out there that either keeps out the important things or blurts out unnecessary stuff that only creates misunderstandings
My smol brain cant process what just happened. Is he really locked up or is it just a metaphor? Did he really fall in love? So Kei’s exes all got involved with Makoto as well?
As a genshin junkie, when i read the line “he needs to grind for artifacts” at chap 2 i just had to scurry my ass off to write this comment and ask whether i’m wrong or not bec if it is then i can ascend to celestia
//coughs Zhongli simp //coughs dying to see Inazuma area //coughs
Yasss geo daddy supremacy and future kazuha, ayaka, and yoimiya haver