Im confused..(or maybe just being stewpid as per usual)?? Why is Kyle being inconsistent? I thought he didn’t want to have sex with Ilyan bec he is sick but now it’s him that doesn’t want to stop when Ilyan says he doesn’t want to anymore??
And man, is it just me who’s getting tired of the fountain trend (pls don’t @ me huhu)? Is peeing on the bed the pinnacle of smut?? I just hope they immediately change the sheets after bec we can’t have Ilyan’s sickness getting worse

Idk if i missed something but did he at least know something about his sister or did the author just completely brush it off?

In chapter 18, at the end Dev reunites with Noah, who tells him, that his mother and sister were both dead, and he mourns them in chapter 19.
The author didn't bother to tell us how or why they were killed.
That is the one point I didn't like in this story, Dev was desperately looking for them, but their death was just something that happened off-screen between two chapters - the end.

I saw this manga through the feed posts feature and at the bottom of mangago page and decided to check it out and i didn’t know it would be one of the best reads of my life, if it isn’t already is. There is so much to say (all good things) but when all is done, you can’t seem to find the right words. I hope someone also finds comment this in the Feeds section and clicks it and decides to read it out of curiosity or maybe recommend it to friends, or some other ways to spread this beautiful work of art. Don’t mind the tragedy tag because the story wasn’t all about tragedy, it was just a piece of it. Anyways, enjoy the bittersweet feeling of it all
I see Kazuha and i’m reminded of Kazuha in Genshin Impact and i want to bawl my eyes out again bec i lost him to 50/50. Bby pls come home.