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로즈 토이 September 17, 2024 12:08 pm

I have an oral recitation for a law subject, and I have like a day to do this. Help a girly out.

(It's like 30 articles? Bwiset na oblicon to)

    Nickla September 17, 2024 12:21 pm

    Not a law student ( med student here ) - but here's what I do to learn stuff quickly

    While studying the article, keep a page aside and under each hearing / subheading write the keywords - and after every 2-3 pages try to revise by reciting and highlight the keywords that you might be forgetting.

    You could also set a timer for each article and at regular intervals speak and revise from the keywords ( that will help you recall easily )

    로즈 토이 September 17, 2024 12:26 pm
    Not a law student ( med student here ) - but here's what I do to learn stuff quickly While studying the article, keep a page aside and under each hearing / subheading write the keywords - and after every 2-3 pa... Nickla

    Thnxx gonna do this now

    Innocent September 17, 2024 12:36 pm

    Keywords and blurting is ur key also if u have like copy of articles use highlighters to highlight like the whole article with different color of highlighter
    Try also the missing word memorization well its like this u need to memorize the whole damn quotes

    Hello im innocent thank you
    Hlo i inct tk yu

    So you could remember the first middle and last letter and ur mind will start to form a word
    Eat something while ur reading the article

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