eternalhysteria February 2, 2025 10:46 pm

At least the bastard emperor is a full on A-hole, there’s no nice facade whatsoever hiding his bastardness.. The brother is shady, the nice guy act isn’t hiding his “call me master” bs.

Don’t get me wrong I’m waiting for MC to get his revenge on the bastard in a glorious way.

eternalhysteria October 4, 2024 9:07 pm

Reread this manga and I’m still cackling at the faces and antics!!

eternalhysteria January 13, 2024 12:13 am

Why do so many stories have such unsatisfying endings? They’re always rushed and short!!

eternalhysteria July 21, 2021 9:45 am

Hak gets all the cool lines to say ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

eternalhysteria July 6, 2021 6:53 am

The dragons’ lives cycle we know that - their tribes raise every newborn with powers waiting for the king to come. Plus their power is connected to the castle, so if the castle falls I can’t imagine they’ll live long after that. Except for Zeno who just doesn’t die. And Sowon and the mistress are both sick and dying. I’m not surprised who she saw in those coffins in the dream.

At least Hak isn’t in one of them ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Savior95 July 6, 2021 10:50 am

    Yes it was mentioned zeno healed faster as he was closer to the castle

    SLaMSHoOK July 6, 2021 12:00 pm

    so if they destroy the castle or destroy king hiyuu deathbed then the power of the dragon except zeno will die??

    eternalhysteria July 6, 2021 2:32 pm
    so if they destroy the castle or destroy king hiyuu deathbed then the power of the dragon except zeno will die?? SLaMSHoOK

    It wasn’t specified. They just implied that the further the dragons are from the castle the weaker they are. I assume that if the castle falls they won’t last long after that, they would die and the cycle would continue with new dragons being born.

    SLaMSHoOK July 7, 2021 1:31 am
    It wasn’t specified. They just implied that the further the dragons are from the castle the weaker they are. I assume that if the castle falls they won’t last long after that, they would die and the cycle w... eternalhysteria

    but its a good theory based off on the last chaps

eternalhysteria June 22, 2021 6:22 am

Junyoung never seems to answer Jeha’s question: Why were you never a brother to me? Kinda f’ed up if you ask me, if he knew both his grandfather and father abused him and didn’t even comfort him when he was young…

    Luna June 22, 2021 6:28 am

    Good question I'm also wondering but the most common answer in this situation is always either I don't want to get caught in the mess and get abused too or someone is holding him back to help Jeha. Still, I'm not that sure if the answer is between the two so lets wait i guess.

    eternalhysteria June 22, 2021 9:24 pm
    Good question I'm also wondering but the most common answer in this situation is always either I don't want to get caught in the mess and get abused too or someone is holding him back to help Jeha. Still, I'm n... Luna

    Oh I didn’t mean to ask why didn’t he save him or help him or stand up to the grandad and dad, just why didn’t he even do the least he can and comfort Jeha in secret, like hug him and tell him it’s gonna be ok…

eternalhysteria June 21, 2021 10:42 am

YAAS! Its so satisfying to see Hak being a badass

eternalhysteria June 15, 2021 7:28 am

I gotta respect Sachiko, she’s a boss!

eternalhysteria June 6, 2021 11:19 am

Sowon is not a good king. There I’ve said it. He’s not horrible, he’s just no great. This imperialistic view of the world serves no one, if he wants his kingdom to be safe, he should be utilizing diplomacy to guarantee its safety. Also not even considering Yona to rule after him, after observing her development and how much she changed from the naive little girl she was in such a short time, is a ridiculous, self-centered notion, that again serves no one, or maybe just his huge ego.

    tweet tweet June 6, 2021 11:38 am

    i dont see soowon as egotistic which for me, makes the whole yona-shouldnt-rule concept even more complicated. like i didn't really expect him to agree that yona had the ability to rule. but i also didn't expect him to deny it. there might be some other reason for his decision

    kenma'snintendo June 6, 2021 12:05 pm
    i dont see soowon as egotistic which for me, makes the whole yona-shouldnt-rule concept even more complicated. like i didn't really expect him to agree that yona had the ability to rule. but i also didn't expec... tweet tweet

    Yeah ı agree with that. Zeno might be a better choice than Yona. Better Leader, better life for citizens

    eternalhysteria June 6, 2021 10:40 pm
    i dont see soowon as egotistic which for me, makes the whole yona-shouldnt-rule concept even more complicated. like i didn't really expect him to agree that yona had the ability to rule. but i also didn't expec... tweet tweet

    I don’t know, I personally don’t buy the “he’s doing it for the better of the country angle”. He had a warped childhood where he actively worked to murder and dethrone his uncle, after finding out his uncle’s hand in his own father’s murder. So more like a revenge plot and not some higher noble cause to take the throne for himself.

    To me the simple fact that he hasn’t even considered Yona screams ego.

    tweet tweet June 7, 2021 3:14 am
    I don’t know, I personally don’t buy the “he’s doing it for the better of the country angle”. He had a warped childhood where he actively worked to murder and dethrone his uncle, after finding out his... eternalhysteria

    it could also be his prejudice for anything affiliated with the crimson dragon king. like how he declined the offer of that woman from kai who mentioned using the four dragons to rule. i feel like he believes that such a belief of a legendary king is what took everything from him; his dad and his mom.

    eternalhysteria June 7, 2021 7:13 pm
    it could also be his prejudice for anything affiliated with the crimson dragon king. like how he declined the offer of that woman from kai who mentioned using the four dragons to rule. i feel like he believes t... tweet tweet

    Could be ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bishounensupremacy June 7, 2021 7:21 pm
    I don’t know, I personally don’t buy the “he’s doing it for the better of the country angle”. He had a warped childhood where he actively worked to murder and dethrone his uncle, after finding out his... eternalhysteria

    when his father got murdered everyone wanted to immediately assasinate king il but he decided to wait and see if he's capable of being a good ruler though. if he was only driven by revenge i don't think he'd do that. he clearly cares about his people or else he wouldn't be working his ass off at the expense of his health when he's already gotten his revenge

    eternalhysteria June 7, 2021 7:31 pm
    when his father got murdered everyone wanted to immediately assasinate king il but he decided to wait and see if he's capable of being a good ruler though. if he was only driven by revenge i don't think he'd do... bishounensupremacy

    I don’t understand what’s the point of “observing if king il is a good king” when he could have just as easily married Yona and inherited the thrown, and did whatever he wanted with the kingdom afterwards. Sowon had no idea Yona’s father would have disagreed, he found out the day he murdered him. He had no problem sending assassins after Yona to presumably get rid of the competition to the thrown. What he did just doesn’t add up to me.

    And someone who works an unhealthy amount of time doesn’t necessarily mean they do it because they care, it could also very possibly mean he’s avoiding dealing with the fact that his illness is seemingly incurable thus far.

    bishounensupremacy June 7, 2021 8:14 pm
    I don’t understand what’s the point of “observing if king il is a good king” when he could have just as easily married Yona and inherited the thrown, and did whatever he wanted with the kingdom afterwar... eternalhysteria

    king Il definitely wouldn't let him marry yona and he was aware of that. i don't remember the exact chapter so i'll just copy paste it from wiki

    "At some point, Emperor Il told him that Yona was the reincarnation of King Hiryuu and that he (Soo-Won) was different. Later on, is revealed that King Il had always been hostile towards Soo-Won, even when he was a small child. When Yona was just born, Soo-Won went to greet her as a toddler, but King Il would not let him get close and chastised him as unpleasant. Another time, when Soo-Won and Yona were playing and about to enter Hiryuu Mausoleum together, King Il said that the mausoleum was no place for him. The night Soo-Won avenges his father, King Il tells him he will never be the Crimson Dragon King and that Yona, the rightful heir, would bring about his demise."

    although he did hate king il and wanted to take revenge he was probably willing to give it up if he decided he was a good king. the country was already in a terrible state under il's ruling, having to wait years to rise to the throne would have serious consequences especially when other countries could invade them at any moment. i also don't think soo won would want to marry yona with hak there but he probably would've done it if it weren't for the other factors.

    if he absolutely did want to get rid of her though, he wouldn't have hid her when they met in awa. sending people to kill her and hak when they ran away but not taking the chance to eliminate her when she was defenseless and even going as far as to hide her makes no sense. sending asassins after them was probably to show his determination to the people in his side, that he wouldn't be afraid to betray his closest friends if it's for the sake of achieving their goal. he's kind of a jerk but can't really blame him. also he overworks himself cause he cares, it's shown in almost his every inner monologue

    eternalhysteria June 8, 2021 6:42 am
    king Il definitely wouldn't let him marry yona and he was aware of that. i don't remember the exact chapter so i'll just copy paste it from wiki"At some point, Emperor Il told him that Yona was the reincarnatio... bishounensupremacy

    We can go back and forth on this for a week, but I’m not really interested in that. Most of what you wrote are your own personal interpretations to the story, whereas I wrote my own.

    It’s not like I’m saying Sowon is a one dimensional character and he’s the ultimate evil. He has his good and bad sides, but most of what he does is illogical - in my opinion - for a character who as you describe him supposed to be “virtuous”.

    Sowon only really found out King il wouldn’t have let him marry Yona the day he was murdered. Even if king il was “hostile” towards Sowon in those 3 instances, it doesn’t mean he couldn’t have married Yona any way. He waited years until he himself got to a right age where he could rule, even though if the country was in such a poor state he could have decided to overthrow king il years prior. I believe it was implied in the beginning that Yona thought she’d be marrying Sowon in a matter of a year or two, so not sure the “waiting years” and the kingdom in shambles really applies here.

    To me it’s a stretch to say Sowon didn’t want to get rid of Yona in the beginning, he presumably would have very easily had his childhood friend killed that night if it wasn’t for Hak who saved her from certain death. Sowon not killing her when they met again could possibly mean that he couldn’t do it with his own hands, or that he’s become interested or intrigued by her now that he’s seen her survive certain death and grow out of the experience.

    Also “he’s kind of a jerk but can’t really blame him” sounds to me like a warped attempt at justifying all his actions no matter what the cost and consequences are, not a very healthy mindset to have.

    bishounensupremacy June 8, 2021 7:55 am
    We can go back and forth on this for a week, but I’m not really interested in that. Most of what you wrote are your own personal interpretations to the story, whereas I wrote my own. It’s not like I’m say... eternalhysteria

    those 3 instances are only the ones that are shown to us to portray the general relationship between soo won and king il and are proof enough. king il knew he was one day going to be assasinated, he also realized that soo won was highly influenced by his father. if he didn't even want them playing together as kids, felt the need to emphasize they're on 'different levels' at every instance and outright told him that hiryuu mausoleum is no place for him there's no way he wouldn't be against him marrying yona and becoming the future king and there's no way soo won wouldn't know that. it's not just my baseless belief but an interpretation supported by facts. soo won also couldn't risk leaving it all to the decision of someone who disliked him, as long as king il was alive he wouldn't able to do whatever he wants with the kingdom and waiting for his turn in the throne would take a long time. you can't say a pampered 16 year old princess's idea of when she would get married is a trustworthy source when it comes to politics when she couldn't even realize how tense it was between her father and soo won.

    i already told you that attempting to kill them and sending assasins after them in the first arc was to show his determination and yes, he would do it. not 'want to' do it but would do it. because in his mind, the kingdom and his father's wish of making the country stronger was and is way above anything else. but he doesn't follow the exact same path as his father precisely because he chose to sacrifice his friendship with yona and hak when his father put the safety of his mother above his duties as a prince. when he didn't kill her in awa that wasn't because he couldn't do it by his own hand, he could've just easily get her killed by his men whom he hid her from. "he’s become interested or intrigued by her now that he’s seen her survive certain death and grow out of the experience" really? you're making him seem like some cartoon villain now, if you couldn't figure out that soo won always cared about hak and yona to some extent from his countless inner monologue, facial expressions and dialogue you should probably reread. i'm not trying to say he never did anything wrong and all his actions are justifiable but i can understand why he's done them instead of following another path

    eternalhysteria June 8, 2021 8:19 pm
    those 3 instances are only the ones that are shown to us to portray the general relationship between soo won and king il and are proof enough. king il knew he was one day going to be assasinated, he also realiz... bishounensupremacy

    Again it’s your own interpretations, people can have different opinions and very different views on the exact same thing. And both different opinions can have “facts” to support both views. Its sounds like you just want me to say “you’re right” and not have any sort of discussion.

    You said it yourself if king il was so against and hateful towards Sowon when he was a child he wouldn’t have let him be friends with Yona for so many years, maybe king il was also waiting to see if Sowon changes his mind about his scheme to murder his uncle and cousin.

    Your entire rant about Sowon sending men to assassinate Yona and Hak, and then him protecting her is again you interpretation of the story, I simply don’t think like you.

    I’m trying to portray Sowon as a cartoon villain? When I specifically wrote he has a good side and a bad side, and that I don’t think he’s the villain in the story? I don’t understand where you got this from, since I also never implied he didn’t care for Yona and Hak, he clearly does, I was only saying he might have saved her in that minute because he was intrigued and surprised that his naive childhood friend actually turned out to be a strong independent woman and I he wanted to see how that plays out.

    I see the reasons that are given for Sowon’s actions, but I also see far better ways that could have been thought of and taken that wouldn’t have ended up in such a disastrous way.

    bishounensupremacy June 8, 2021 9:27 pm
    Again it’s your own interpretations, people can have different opinions and very different views on the exact same thing. And both different opinions can have “facts” to support both views. Its sounds lik... eternalhysteria

    i don't think your interpretation of the reason he couldn't kill yona in awa fits his character, leaving yona alive wasn't some test to see what she would do that would literally have no point, he probably thought she would keep living there quietly and peacefully, she didn't seem like an 'independant woman' to him either since he said her still being alive is obviously because hak stayed by her side and protected her. of course you can have your own opinion but it just doesn't click with me when there's a way simpler explanation.

    some things are pretty certain, soo won does care about his childhood friends but he cares about his goals way above anything else. marrying yona wouldn't %100 guarantee his succession for obvious reasons mentioned in the story and he couldn't risk it because of the state the country was in and the crimson illness. keeping all that in mind, the choice he made was cruel but understandable. some of his actions like justifying his father's war crimes are still messed up but overall, i don't hate him and he certainly isn't all self important. according to hak he's the complete opposite of that.

    if you're gonna say everything is my own interpretation and completely subjective we can't have a proper discussion either cause in the end, we're not gonna be able to figure anything out. i'm not going to be replying further since this isn't going anywhere.

    Anonymous16 June 8, 2021 9:45 pm
    i don't think your interpretation of the reason he couldn't kill yona in awa fits his character, leaving yona alive wasn't some test to see what she would do that would literally have no point, he probably thou... bishounensupremacy

    The way you provided more evidence than the other person shows your argument wasn’t purely your own interpretation too lol

    eternalhysteria June 8, 2021 9:54 pm
    i don't think your interpretation of the reason he couldn't kill yona in awa fits his character, leaving yona alive wasn't some test to see what she would do that would literally have no point, he probably thou... bishounensupremacy

    Wether you choose to reply or not that’s your own prerogative, ain’t nothing wrong with that, you do you. Example, I had to skip through your last comment cause you seem to repeat your opinion over and over just waiting for the other person to agree with everything you say - not how you hold a conversation.

    It also seems to me personally that you don’t realize that your interpretations of a work extends to your interpretation of the characters and their motivations, and yeah we don’t agree on any of those. Just because someone understands a story differently doesn’t mean you can’t hold an honest conversation with them, you don’t have to “convince” anyone of anything, and they don’t have to end up “agreeing” to everything you say.

    One thing we agree on is that this whole discourse is pointless, but yet again for different reasons. Hey at the end of they day this is just a manga and a story, nobody needs to get butthurt over it ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bishounensupremacy June 8, 2021 10:23 pm
    Wether you choose to reply or not that’s your own prerogative, ain’t nothing wrong with that, you do you. Example, I had to skip through your last comment cause you seem to repeat your opinion over and over... eternalhysteria

    and i guess your way of discussing things is just coming up with random reasons for certain characters actions (when there's absolutely no foreshadowing that could explain that thought process) fitting how you want that character to be like intead of how they actually are based on all their actions, thoughts and dialogue so far in the story. some interpretations just contradict some things happening in the story and when that happens, you can't call that an interpretation, you call that attempting to brush over the other person's argument without actually having to explain why they might be wrong.
    agreed on the last part though

    eternalhysteria June 9, 2021 10:31 am
    and i guess your way of discussing things is just coming up with random reasons for certain characters actions (when there's absolutely no foreshadowing that could explain that thought process) fitting how you ... bishounensupremacy

    Bro, both of us are literally using the exact same scenarios happening in the manga and giving them completely different interpretations, it’s not like either of us is making up entirely new scenes to support whatever it is we want to convey. If you haven’t noticed that so far I have no idea what to say to you beyond that.

    There is no “how they actually are”, do you not realize stories and art are interpreted a thousand different ways by a thousand different people? There are no contradictions when the story is still evolving, and you have no idea how the mangaka intends these scenes to be understood. You’re basically projecting what you are doing - Attempting to brush the other person’s argument off - on to me. When all I’m saying is I accept how you view the story, I simply disagree. If what you’re waiting for is a “you’re right”, it’s not gonna come from me. So it’s better if you do what you said in the previous comment and not reply…

    bishounensupremacy June 9, 2021 11:43 am
    Bro, both of us are literally using the exact same scenarios happening in the manga and giving them completely different interpretations, it’s not like either of us is making up entirely new scenes to support... eternalhysteria

    "If what you’re waiting for is a “you’re right”, it’s not gonna come from me." if that was my intention i wouldn't bother arguing back and forth with someone who clearly doesn't have any intention to do that. i'm just doing it to kill time but it's flustrating when the other person doesn't even consider anything you said.

    now let me explain what exactly you're doing. it ended up longer than i thought it would so feel free to skip over it again if you think you're oh so intelligent that anything you said can't ever be wrong.

    first you said soo won's only intention was getting revenge, i gave you several reasons as to why that might not be true, they were things that weren't really up to interpretation. the fact that he's trying to make the country stronger isn't something you can reject cause it's a fact supported by his every single inner monologue, dialogue and action. if he says in this inner monologue 'my goal is to make the country stronger' you can't go and say 'i don't think he wants to make the country stronger he just wanted revenge and that's my interpretation' cause that clearly contradicts an established fact.

    if he was only motivated by revenge he wouldn't bother trying to make the country stronger risking his own health. and you replied 'he's not working hard cause he cares he might just be trying to distract himself' again, i mentioned a few of his actions that would contradict that, he's clearly accepted the fact that he would die soon and him desperately trying to find someone to replace him and carry on his wish is proof of that. you mentioned nothing that could lead to the thought process you talked about.

    bishounensupremacy June 9, 2021 11:45 am
    Bro, both of us are literally using the exact same scenarios happening in the manga and giving them completely different interpretations, it’s not like either of us is making up entirely new scenes to support... eternalhysteria

    you said he could've easily married yona and i gave you again, several reasons why that wouldn't guarantee anything. i can't bother writing it all so just reread it. in response, you said "king il might've been testing him to see if he would really kill him" but gave no proof or mentioned anything that could lead to him having that intention. that's not how an interpretation works, you don't come up with random reasons without any foreshadowing, you analyze their actions/thoughts and think of a motive supported by them.

    then you said soo won didn't kill her cause he couldn't do it by his own hands when he literally hid her from his guards whom he could just order to get her killed. that makes no sense. you saying he became interested in her for becoming an independant woman when he clearly said he knew she was alive only cause she's being protected by hak doesn't make any sense either. if you don't even understand that i'm gonna assume you can't properly read

    and yeah, i'm seriously gonna stop replying after this cause i feel like i'm trying to explain things to a 9 y.o

    eternalhysteria June 9, 2021 4:20 pm

    Dude just take a breath, your literally up in arms about me just saying I don’t agree with you, honestly it’s kind of weird.

    I don’t skip over what you wrote because “I think I’m intelligent” as I’ve already mentioned I do it because it’s my prerogative, and my mind goes blank when I see long ass posts, so I stop registering the words I’m staring at, it becomes hard to focus. Plus your arguments seem to repeat themselves with no added information, so I save myself the headache of trying to focus.

    I don’t believe I said his “only” intention was getting revenge, I implied - I personally think it was a driving motive throughout his childhood for killing Yona’s father, his uncle.

    Again everything is up to the interpretation of the person reading the story, the fact you don’t realize that, is sad to me.

    Everything you use as an example to support your own interpretation for Sowon’s character I’ve used in my own interpretations, so repeating your examples and saying I gave none doesn’t make sense to me at all, since we’re basically talking about the exact same scenes.

    Calling me a 9yr old doesn’t make you sound smarter or more mature. In fact it does the opposite. Have a nice day ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bishounensupremacy June 13, 2021 10:27 pm
    Dude just take a breath, your literally up in arms about me just saying I don’t agree with you, honestly it’s kind of weird. I don’t skip over what you wrote because “I think I’m intelligent” as I�... eternalhysteria

    i don't really care about how it makes me sound cause my point stands regardless of your impression of me. i just said it's flustrating cause i feel like i'm talking to a 9 year old who doesn't even attempt to consider what the other person is saying. feel free to get offended if you want but like you said, there's no need for anyone to get butthurt over this. some of your theories made sense, most of them didn't and some of them were straight up, objectively wrong according to canon. in the end, it's just fiction. have a good day

    eternalhysteria June 14, 2021 5:50 am
    i don't really care about how it makes me sound cause my point stands regardless of your impression of me. i just said it's flustrating cause i feel like i'm talking to a 9 year old who doesn't even attempt to ... bishounensupremacy

    Whatever dude, it’s still sad you don’t realize that art and stories are subjective.

    At first you said I don’t bring anything to support my point of view, when we’re literally using the same scenes just with different interpretations. And now my opinions are just “wrong” because according to this whole back and forth with you a story can’t possibly be interpreted two ways, that’s just insane to me.

    I’m not even gonna address your “9 year old” comments again, if you want to try and be insulting and offensive then there’s no point in me replying to you further. Enjoy the rest of your week (⌒▽⌒)

    bishounensupremacy June 14, 2021 7:49 am
    Whatever dude, it’s still sad you don’t realize that art and stories are subjective. At first you said I don’t bring anything to support my point of view, when we’re literally using the same scenes just... eternalhysteria

    there's a difference between interpreting a scene taking a character's past actions/overall character arc on accord and interpreting it based on nothing. we're talking about the same scenes but you don't seem to be able to grasp the fact that a person's actions has to be consistent with their past actions and thoughts. your theories are ones someone who only read the said scene of the whole manga would come up with, they're completely random. now that's my opinion and it's up to you to decide what you make of that.

    but some of the things you said were just objectively wrong. you can theorize about the vague but not complete facts countless times established in the story. it's not just my opinion but things anyone who properly read the story would also agree. we've been talking back and forth for a while now and you somehow don't understand not all things can be subjective. you can't say 'yona wasn't sad when soo-won killed her father and that's my opinion' just like you can't say 'soo-won is not following his father's wish to make the country stronger and that's just my opinion' they're facts. soo-won's whole character arc is supported by that motive and that's not even the only thing you said that was straight up false.

    if me being 'offensive' is the only thing you picked up in this whole argument so be it, i still think you're childish. there might've been things i could've worded differently since english isn't my native language but my point still stands. again, have a good day

    eternalhysteria June 14, 2021 11:07 am
    there's a difference between interpreting a scene taking a character's past actions/overall character arc on accord and interpreting it based on nothing. we're talking about the same scenes but you don't seem t... bishounensupremacy

    I’m sorry, but I’m not going to read you’re last comment. I can already tell from the first line that it’s going to be the same argument again, I’ve already tried reading it 3-4 times already. But since it gives no added benefit to the ongoing discourse, let’s just skip it and move on. This reply is simply to end this entire situation that’s been created for no reason over a manga. Wish you the best. Enjoy the rest of your life.

    bishounensupremacy June 14, 2021 2:06 pm
    I’m sorry, but I’m not going to read you’re last comment. I can already tell from the first line that it’s going to be the same argument again, I’ve already tried reading it 3-4 times already. But sin... eternalhysteria

    sure man, whatever you say. i've already tried ending it like three times before this and you kept going. i guess you have the time to keep writing paragraphs about it but not enough to actually read and understand what you're replying to. i don't really see the point to this either. have a good one

    eternalhysteria June 14, 2021 3:19 pm
    sure man, whatever you say. i've already tried ending it like three times before this and you kept going. i guess you have the time to keep writing paragraphs about it but not enough to actually read and unders... bishounensupremacy

    See once again, you say things that apply to you yourself, but are utterly unaware of the fact you keep doing so. It’s baffling ( ̄∇ ̄")

    bishounensupremacy June 14, 2021 4:33 pm
    See once again, you say things that apply to you yourself, but are utterly unaware of the fact you keep doing so. It’s baffling ( ̄∇ ̄") eternalhysteria

    you keep recycling the same 'they're all subjective and open to interpretion' argument and i'm telling you they're not. since you don't bother reading or trying to understand most of what i say and keep coming at me with the same thing of course you're gonna recieve the same reply. kinda hypocritical of you to imply i'm a hypocrite ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    i'm replying cause i don't really have anything else to do right now, as much as it's flustrating to talk to you i like sharing and listening to opinions. you're the one who acts like i'm wasting your time. again, if you don't wanna keep doing this just don't reply. it's easy, i'm not really forcing you to talk to me

    eternalhysteria June 14, 2021 7:59 pm
    you keep recycling the same 'they're all subjective and open to interpretion' argument and i'm telling you they're not. since you don't bother reading or trying to understand most of what i say and keep coming ... bishounensupremacy

    I replied until now actually trying to be nice and uphold respectful discourse with you, up to where you started repeating your arguments over and over, culminating in your attempts at insulting me, that’s when you started wasting my time. I’m still replying trying to be nice, but I can’t help and find your ongoing hypocritical comments ridiculous, and hilarious at the same time.

    bishounensupremacy June 14, 2021 8:43 pm
    I replied until now actually trying to be nice and uphold respectful discourse with you, up to where you started repeating your arguments over and over, culminating in your attempts at insulting me, that’s wh... eternalhysteria

    thank you for 'trying to be nice' but like i said, i'm not forcing you to keep replying if you don't want to. saying you're childish wasn't my attempt at 'insulting' you but expressing my flustration. i've already told you my reason for repeating arguments and since you did the exact same thing, calling me hypocritical doesn't really make you less of a hypocrite. we're just going back and forth repeating the same things, it's not really a discussion at this point but seeing how you still keep talking to me i guess you don't find it a waste of time after all

    eternalhysteria June 15, 2021 7:10 am
    thank you for 'trying to be nice' but like i said, i'm not forcing you to keep replying if you don't want to. saying you're childish wasn't my attempt at 'insulting' you but expressing my flustration. i've alre... bishounensupremacy

    Again, I’m only replying to whatever it is you write. On the one hand in an attempt to respect your desire for discourse, and on the other my replies are shorter in an attempt to disengage without being rude.

    bishounensupremacy June 15, 2021 7:33 am
    Again, I’m only replying to whatever it is you write. On the one hand in an attempt to respect your desire for discourse, and on the other my replies are shorter in an attempt to disengage without being rude. eternalhysteria

    uhh...okay? lol
    i clearly said i don't mind ending this if you don't wanna entertain it any further so you don't really have to be respectful of anything at this point. reply only if you actually like me:)

    eternalhysteria June 15, 2021 8:24 pm
    uhh...okay? lol i clearly said i don't mind ending this if you don't wanna entertain it any further so you don't really have to be respectful of anything at this point. reply only if you actually like me:) bishounensupremacy

    Enjoy your day :)

    bishounensupremacy June 15, 2021 9:06 pm
    Enjoy your day :) eternalhysteria

    so you do like me

    eternalhysteria June 16, 2021 10:56 am
    so you do like me bishounensupremacy

    Why would I not like you? You’re a regular person same as me. And even more so when I think I can see more similarities between our characters than differences.

    It’s all good ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    bishounensupremacy June 16, 2021 11:00 am
    Why would I not like you? You’re a regular person same as me. And even more so when I think I can see more similarities between our characters than differences. It’s all good ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ eternalhysteria


eternalhysteria May 29, 2021 6:21 pm

Some of the page cuts are scrambled right?

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