as people are getting uncomfortable about the alter "Yuuta" being their child, i'll clear something out. yes every different alter have their own experiences which are entirely different from each other but "Yuuta" here is not entirely a child. we could take "Yuuki" as the protector in this case (because we weren't given detailed info about Yuuki's alters but i could be wrong too) and if "Yuuta" doing 'dirty things' with Tomohisa wasn't ok with "Yuuki", he'd have come out sooner. and "Yuuta" also gave his consent to Tomohisa when he thought he had committed a felony (lmao). you could say "Yuuta" is an age regressed version of "Yuuki" but WITH the sexual desires. and yes that happens. i hope this clears some things out. please do correct anything that you might think is incorrect.
Yeah real DID forms in early childhood from repeated trauma (usually sexual). So “littles” or child alters definitely are not alters you can or should have sex with. Yeah it’s fiction and in the fiction the child alter...wants sex....but honestly....just why. Why even write that if you know you plan on that alter being their kid. Idk...just wrong. But they got DID completely wrong too in how and when it formed so I guess it’s not surprising the author would try to make it seem appropriate to have sex with somebody who is mentally a child. Not a great manga, definitely problematic. Would be a lot better if he just hadn’t been with the child alter sexually. I would have suggested that to keep the series yaoi and to deliver in sex scenes the author should have done so by relying on flashbacks. If each chapter needed a sex scene or something sexual it should have happened in a flashback and as we are learning information during the flashback. There really was no need for him to have sex with somebody who is mentally a child or to portray that as fine since the kid “wanted it”. Just bad writing and sexualization of infantilization.