NoodleBooster want to do ( All 1 )

let's be positive

NoodleBooster's experience ( All 0 )

NoodleBooster's answer ( All 5 )

Lemme take a shot, so I typed a reply to someone else about how this (and was ruthlessly shut down) about how its resurgence online might have some have to do with some drama surrounding terfs and tumbler (this is just what I've gathered) I found this post leading to more post:   reply
04 09,2020
Just because you wouldn't cause yourself grievous harm doesn't necessarily make you any less depressed tho? There are apparently at least nine kinds of depression tho? The two you've described are situational depression and major depression. Even still you don't have to have depression to be depressed? A Lot of people actually do get sad and have s......   1 reply
03 09,2020
Yall are mean as hekk, but I don't know about you--but I started because I wanted to see gory murder husbands. Like I started reading because I thought it'd be an interesting story about bad guys, like the christmas special but all that all the time (¬_¬ ) Came for the gore, stayed for the drama. anyone know any manga that actually h......   reply
28 08,2020
NoodleBooster 26 08,2020
That...kinda makes since, I mean breast milk is supposed to be really nutritious, right? You can't necessarily go wrong with it...I think? But as for helping cow? IDK my dudette, you really feel like having to produce that much milk?   reply
26 08,2020
Who ya gonna call? T h i s b i g b o o t y b i t c h _(:з)∠3_   reply
26 08,2020

NoodleBooster's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did toxic friends

I told my friend I was going to study chemistry in school and she told me I’m too stupid for STEM :’)

3 hours
did reminisce about old times

I like to reminisce about the past a lot I wish I can go back that would be nice

3 hours
did work

I work 2 jobs, go to classes and pay taxes and shit adulting is hard and tiring :’)

3 hours