I read the novel and ommmmmg let me spoil it for yall:
- seme is IN LOVE like "sit back and let me do your revenge for u cause i love u"
- uke is the most innocent person there is and seme finds joy in seeing his reactions to things
- seme recognize the uke from his tattoo and u bet they get smexy from there
- uke rmb the seme after by surprising him in a bunny suit which he thought would pissed seme off since they didnt part in good terms but seme was laughing FILLED WITH LOVE
- seme asked uke what happens after revenge and uke said he was ready to die which would atone his sins. Let me tell yall seme said "if you want to give up your life, give it to me instead. I will make you happy"
- seme ALWAYS text uke the cutest things to check up on him and picks uke up and always invites him over to his home where they cuddle and talk. Tbh seme just wanna spend all his time with uke if he could
- seme took over the entire entertainment scene. He is the grandson/heir of one of the biggest company which noone knows but he used his power to help uke with his revenge
- uke got really realllyyyy hurt and was in a coma for 1 week and seme took revenge by torturing the guy who hurt uke and told him "I will only let bring you to the hospital once he wakes up" and after a week the bad guy woke up in a mental hospital with his legs cut off
- the blonde hair dude was destroyed - his reputation, his money and everything and DAMN it was satisfying
- uke became an actor in the end cause he realized that revenge isn't everything
- once seme was driving uke but uke was reading his script the entire time and seme got jealous. IT WAS CUTE
2021-07-06 22:03 marked
I find it funny how people compares what Cain did to what Yahwi did. Lmao what Cain did is nothing as serious as what Yahwi did at all, lol even if like you say it's "sexual harassment", compared to what your lovely Yahwi did. Having a tragic past doesn't justify your shitty actions. Yahwi's mindset is really like, "oh man I had a tragic past why not force Jooin to have sex and blame it on my past later. Because I don't know how to show my emotions and it's better this way. I have the upper hand and Jooin will never hate me cause he loves me." And I'm here reading y'all comments like "what did they sayy". Like I said putting the blame on Yahwi's past doesn't justify his shitty and some of you are writing a whole essay just to defend him. Just one thing, if Yahwi really wanted to be with Jooin. He should've protected him and comfort him when he was being criticized for being gay rather than act as if he never knew him.
2021-06-11 17:42 marked
Just wanna remind you that you can't use Y*hwi's reasons/trauma to justify his deeds. He's not a kid anymore. He's perfectly aware about right and wrong. And for those Y*hwi stans who talks sht about Cain's stay at Jooin's place, I just wanna remind you that it was Jooin who invited Cain to his place after seeing that Cain got scammed. Cain even thought about finding a new home but he doesn't have any money so Jooin initiated his stay at his home. He's not a parasite at all because first and foremost, he's been looking after Jooin– cooking meals for him. Jooin didn't even feel worried for having Cain there because he knows that Cain is good. About the rape thing, what Yahwi did will still be considered as rape no matter what his intentions were. They don't have any established relationship and he didn't get a proper consent. If we will put this in trial, it's still considered as rape because the act itself is the wrong thing. They won't give much significance to the reasons or intentions because even if the rapist doesn't have any ill intention, the act itself is already ill because it's forced. It's unwanted. If we will find this justifiable because of his "intentions" or "reasons" then if the reason is "love," will the case be dismissed? Because technically, love is not "wrong." Any sexual interaction without consent is pretty much considered as a sexual harassment no matter what the intention or reason is. You can't say that "Yahwi doesn't have anyone to guide him" or "Yahwi didn't want to hurt Jooin. He just wanted his love." If he really wanted that, he wouldn't cross the boundaries and go assaulting Jooin. Keep in mind that he didn't only do it once. It was repeated and he NEVER apologized. Stop justifying his actions.
2021-06-11 17:39 marked
As weird as it sounds i actually love how the story's progressing, the author is doing a rlly good job showing how a good relationship can turn toxic in the blink of an eye (or at least that's what i think they're doing haha). They also show how small changes can be to the point where it's hard to notice sometimes!! Ahhh its so good i'm excited (︶︿︶)=凸
2021-06-07 19:27 marked
Ok— i dont get why people are hating on yoon?
Dont get me wrong-

I feel bad for our best boi because he deserves THE WORLDD

But at the same time im not mad at yoon

He made the right choice- why? Because he ISNT sure of his feelings

He needs to figure out his feelings accept it as well as his sexuality in order to properly date joon

If he had gone out with joon without being sure that he likes him thatll cause problems and probaly hurt joon more

He isnt an asshole for rejecting him- hes being considerate because he isnt sure if he likes him

He would be an asshole if he still agreed to go out with joom yet hasnt sorted his feelings out

Imagine if someone just goes out with you even though they dont know if they like you or not youd be hurt right? Because it feels like they just went out with you on a whim
2021-05-25 16:00 marked
since everyone is so angry at yoonseul i reread the whole thing bc tbh i didn’t rly remember much, so here’s just a few things:

for one, yoonseul is really straightforward and analytical in his thinking, meaning, he has an idea of how something is supposed to go and acts accordingly to get to his goal.

secondly, he’s awfully impulsive, and i think he’s partly aware of that, since he’s going great lengths to appear pleasant to the people he wants to appeal to, but let’s out his shitty temper around his siblings and his freckle friend. he’s an all according to keikaku kinda guy, while joon in the other hand is straight forward with his emotions. that’s not necessarily a bad thing, a lot of people who‘re bad in social situations operate like that, esp nd people. i’m not saying that yoonseul is nd or anything like that, but i do relate to the way he goes about things.

another thing is, that he never meant to hurt joon or lead him on in the first place. he was trying to be his friend, since they didn’t have any sort of relationship before that and he wanted to apologize. the sincerity of his apology is debatable no doubt and i wish the author would’ve included his thought process on what he would do if joon wouldn’t want anything to do with him, but looking at his personality he would’ve just left him alone i think (sidenote: i do get the desperation behind wanting the dreams to stop though and the idea of going to the root of the problem, my sleep problems stem mostly from nightmares). i know its often said that intention doesn’t matter if someone gets hurt in the end, but i do think it’s a situational thing, i’d look at this very differently if yoonseul was following the ‘make him fall in love w me for fun’ trope.

as i said he’s impulsive, and that paired with 1) alcohol tearing down his otherwise solid inhibitions, 2) him being comfortable with being casual with joon and 3) with joon also being drunk, the kiss was also an accident, not a calculated try to lead him on. if you want other examples of him being impulsive: ofc his big shithead moment after the confession in ch. 9, him putting on the sweater in ch. 12, running out and leaving breakfast after the whole blind date thing in ch. 15 and him smiling and taking joon’s hands in ch. 16.

what i find most interesting is that in this quest, yoonseul‘s goal really was friendship. he didn’t really waste a thought on joon being potentially gay and i also don’t think he’s homophobic or anything, even if he’s been going on about how two guys couldn’t do this or that, it’s always with him in context. he didn’t dislike joon for confessing to him but he disliked a guy confessing to him bc he thought of himself as straight. but when he dreamt of these false scenarios of actually being awful to joon and calling him disgusting or making him cry he denounced that. as i said, he has an idea of how things are supposed to go and that includes himself, and diversion makes his brain hurty. he’s shit at emotional intelligence, especially when it comes to himself and has narrowed it down to when he should be pleasantly smiling and when he can let his emotions roam. in that context, not being able to imagine kissing joon also makes sense.

another thing is the first confession; i don’t think you can equate the outcome from that to the outcome of the second one. they actually have a relationship now and they’re grown, they should be between 25 and 30. obviously yoonseul had even worse impulsivity when he was younger and from what i can tell, he’s mostly grown in terms of keeping that under wraps and being more calculating, while joon has grown a lot in terms of confidence and empathy. idk if he said that he’s already forgotten about it to be kind, but i do hope he actually has, bc i loathe the ‘ive been in love with you this whole time‘ bullshit and it would be wasteful after he had such a hard time after the first confession, and how his whole shiny image of yoonseul was probably shattered. a lot of shit we experience when we are younger seem like the end of the world when they happen and even weeks or months after, but at some point, it just kind of fades away. and simultaneously a lot of kids are impulsive and don’t think right in the moment. a lot of you probably hurt someone with something you thought of as trivial and may never find out about it. i don’t think yoonseul was actually aware of how much damage his little outburst caused, even though he did regret it right after and this quality of him recognizing when he actually steps out of line is something that comes up again and again. it’s nice i think, him being frustrated over himself and calling himself a piece of shit, even without really knowing how to fix it. all he knows to do is to apologize, but in ch. 19 his usually overconfident self doesn’t even have the confidence to do that.

as a last thing, i’d like for you to keep in mind that even though yoonseul is the mc, he’s kind of selfish and kind of a douche. i may seem like a yoonseul apologist, but really i just find him kind of interesting, i don’t think i like him that much, at least by himself. i also thought he was vain at first, but really i believe he thinks of his looks as something like a commodity that warrants confidence. and he’s obviously been pampered bc of his looks. maybe he’s got some kinda complex along the lines of good looks spoiled by a rotten personality going on but tbh i don’t know, though i would like to know whether he does have some kind of insecurity. but yea, his selfishness kind of comes with the way he thinks and i don’t actually think that’s bad, some people are just like that without actively trying to disregard or discredit others and joon is actually a good balance to that. the confidence in his looks and his looks themselves are also generally fine, but when he gets overconfident i.e. this whole idea of the fucking apology or how he relies on his looks in the beginning, just writes douche. i kinda hope joon calls him out on that.

if yoonseul had some emotional intelligence, i think he’d actually be good at manipulating people lmao.

yea that’s my Thoughts.
TL;DR: yoonseul is quite interesting to me and i don’t think he’s that bad, just a little to rigid in his thinking. for a manwha character he’s very human, and in that sense, i like him. i’d like to see him get humbled a little and maybe actually sincerely apologize, for whatever he and also joon deems deserving of one in the end. also i hope to god, if he gets nightmares again, that they aren’t about the confession again, bc that’d be redundant. i’d like him to think out of the box for once, at least as well as he can.
maybe i’ll write another essay after the next few chaps or maybe i’ll drop it if it runs in the wall lmaoo let’s see.

if you’ve made it through this useless piece of text, here, you deserve a cookie
2021-05-25 15:58 marked
I honestly can appreciate Taku as a fictional character because I do find him interesting and layered. But I am TIRED of ppl claiming he was incredibly sincere and cared about Haesoo so much. Idk if some of y’all skipped these parts, or chose to ignore it... but pls do see the following examples of Taku's manipulative and selfish behavior, and taking advantage of Haesoo:

Exhibit 1 - He wanted to use his sex tape to guilt trip Haesoo in their relationship. He said: “I hoped that guilt would bring you to me”. It only didn't happen cause Haesoo turned down publishing the sex tape. It was not that Taku backed away and stopped himself because he realized how fcked up his actions were. It made Haesoo uncomfortable and weirded out too,, pretty sure this can count as sexual/workplace harassment lmao

Exhibit 2 - In chapter 96’s flashback Taku says "i just want to read the story he writes about me when i'm gone” (his friend calls him an asshole too lol). This is a throwback to Leo telling Joowon over the phone about how Taku uses his models for his work, and then tosses them aside with little regard. He was planning the same with Haesoo, until he later got “attached”. that’s karma ig~

Exhibit 3 - Haesoo expressed that he was unsure/not ready for a relationship. Yet literally RIGHT AFTER his quasi breakup with Joowon, Taku is pressuring him like, "I'm still waiting for an answer". It's weird cause Haesoo's wounds are fresh from his breakup, and Taku is NOT stupid. He knew this and persisted. Haesoo shouldn't have agreed and that's his own fault (HS is not entirely a victim here lets make that clear). Meanwhile Taku? He was flat out taking advantage of Haesoo's broken emotions.

Exhibit 4 - Quote: “It must have been painful for him no doubt, but I still wanted to see more". This was Taku's thought during a photoshoot with Haesoo, which later made Haesoo cry at the exhibition (Chapter 92/93). Taku told Haesoo: "think about having sex with someone you love, but you can never see them again". This was RIGHT AFTER Joowon and Haesoo's big separation. To inflict emotional pain in your partner, and then say you were interested in seeing more? Bruh no… just no.

Exhibit 5 - Quotes: “Every time I saw how sad you were, it felt good.” “You were lonely. You need me because of your unhappiness.” —Chapter 58. This is from Taku's monologue of how Haesoo’s unhappiness made him feel good, because he felt depended on by Haesoo for comfort // hs get away from this man pls haha

Exhibit 6 - Another quote: “If I can’t beat him [jw] one-on-one, then I at least want you [hs] to feel bad” —Chapter 66 ...Can Taku stop wishing for Haesoo depression, like he's already sad jfc

Exhibit 7 - "I want to bury inside the void he [jw] left in you. And later I'll push him aside however I can." ...honestly this quote struck me as Taku taking advantage of Haesoo's heartbreak and being hella 'opportunistic' (btw: Taku called HIMSELF that in his interview in chapter 5 so I mean... lol). Maybe that's just me though idk.

Exhibit 8 - In Chapter 84 when Joowon's scandal broke out, notice how Taku starts texting "are you okay?" to Haesoo, then deletes it and instead tells him to stop caring about Joowon? This moment said a lot to me, because it's the fact that Taku is SO AWARE of how Haesoo must be feeling, but he purposely chooses to ignore that and cares more about winning and keeping him away from Joowon. Kinda struck me as the opposite from Joowon's phone call after Haesoo's modelling news dropped in chapter 68. JW asked Haesoo to not do the exhibition because he knew its not what HS wanted (he is right: haesoo always wanted to be known for his writing not his face, and felt crappy abt it all day). But when Haesoo said he was fine, JW told him he'll always be on Haesoo's side even as a hyung/friend. He made it so clear how he cares the most about HS simply being okay, even after Haesoo left him.

Exhibit 9 - Taku tells Haesoo he hopes he has a hard time with Joowon after their breakup (Chapter 99). It felt wrong to me cause Haesoo genuinely apologized and gently let him down in their breakup... but Taku tries to make Haesoo feel worse. I honestly understand being spiteful towards exes who mistreated you in some way. HOWEVER with this relationship: it seemed to highlight Taku’s selfishness. Taku is out here acting like Haesoo wronged him for simply not liking him back in a 1 month TRIAL relationship. As if he wasnt the one who initiated and *insisted* on their relationship. As if he was unaware of Haesoo’s feelings for Joowon. As if Taku didnt say it was better that they use each other. Him wanting to make Haesoo feel bad over this is wild considering all the conditions of their relationship and his past manipulation too.
((Also, Taku in this scene to Haesoo: “Sorry I told you I'm not a good person” … Like sir, if you know you’re not a good person, THEN FIX IT. Joowon spent almost 40 chapters self-reflecting n trying to correct the mistakes he made, when he never *intentionally* wanted to hurt Haesoo lol. Meanwhile some Taku fans: “omg he’s a good person that was wronged. haesoo never deserved him!” lmaooo))

///end of examples

Anyway I’m gonna have to start sending this to some of y’all who selectively read Taku’s character to all hell. He was really manipulative with Haesoo and had some bad intentions. And when Taku grew to stop being a robot and showed “real feelings” getting all attached to Haesoo and liking him more than he expected, he was STILL selfish and wanted Haesoo to suffer for him. He didn’t get enough development to stray away from that, but imo that’s exactly why he’s the second lead
╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
2021-05-22 16:22 marked
Yall again not hating on Taku but here are some examples of his manipulative,selfish,greedy and asshole behavior :

Exhibit 1 - He wanted to use his sex tape to guilt trip Haesoo in their relationship. He said: “I hoped that guilt would bring you to me”. It only didn't happen cause Haesoo turned down publishing the sex tape. It was not that Taku backed away and stopped himself because he realized how fcked up his actions were. It made Haesoo uncomfortable and weirded out too,, pretty sure this can count as sexual/workplace harassment lmao

Exhibit 2 - In chapter 96’s flashback Taku says "i just want to read the story he writes about me when i'm gone” (his friend calls him an asshole too lol). This is a throwback to Leo telling Joowon over the phone about how Taku uses his models for his work, and then tosses them aside with little regard. He was planning the same with Haesoo, until he later got “attached”. that’s karma ig~

Exhibit 3 - Haesoo expressed that he was unsure/not ready for a relationship. Yet literally RIGHT AFTER his quasi breakup with Joowon, Taku is pressuring him like, "I'm still waiting for an answer". It's weird cause Haesoo's wounds are fresh from his breakup, and Taku is NOT stupid. He knew this and persisted. Haesoo shouldn't have agreed and that's his own fault (HS is not entirely a victim here lets make that clear). Meanwhile Taku? He was flat out taking advantage of Haesoo's broken emotions.

Exhibit 4 - Quote: “It must have been painful for him no doubt, but I still wanted to see more". This was Taku's thought during a photoshoot with Haesoo, which later made Haesoo cry at the exhibition (Chapter 92/93). Taku told Haesoo: "think about having sex with someone you love, but you can never see them again". This was RIGHT AFTER Joowon and Haesoo's big separation. To inflict emotional pain in your partner, and then say you were interested in seeing more? Bruh no… just no.

Exhibit 5 - Quotes: “Every time I saw how sad you were, it felt good.” “You were lonely. You need me because of your unhappiness.” —Chapter 58. This is from Taku's monologue of how Haesoo’s unhappiness made him feel good, because he felt depended on by Haesoo for comfort // hs get away from this man pls haha

Exhibit 6 - Another quote: “If I can’t beat him [jw] one-on-one, then I at least want you [hs] to feel bad” —Chapter 66 ...Can Taku stop wishing for Haesoo depression, like he's already sad jfc

Exhibit 7 - "I want to bury inside the void he [jw] left in you. And later I'll push him aside however I can." ...honestly this quote struck me as Taku taking advantage of Haesoo's heartbreak and being hella 'opportunistic' (btw: Taku called HIMSELF that in his interview in chapter 5 so I mean... lol). Maybe that's just me though idk.

Exhibit 8 - In Chapter 84 when Joowon's scandal broke out, notice how Taku starts texting "are you okay?" to Haesoo, then deletes it and instead tells him to stop caring about Joowon? This moment said a lot to me, because it's the fact that Taku is SO AWARE of how Haesoo must be feeling, but he purposely chooses to ignore that and cares more about winning and keeping him away from Joowon. Kinda struck me as the opposite from Joowon's phone call after Haesoo's modelling news dropped in chapter 68. JW asked Haesoo to not do the exhibition because he knew its not what HS wanted (he is right: haesoo always wanted to be known for his writing not his face, and felt crappy abt it all day). But when Haesoo said he was fine, JW told him he'll always be on Haesoo's side even as a hyung/friend. He made it so clear how he cares the most about HS simply being okay, even after Haesoo left him.

Exhibit 9 - Taku tells Haesoo he hopes he has a hard time with Joowon after their breakup (Chapter 99). It felt wrong to me cause Haesoo genuinely apologized and gently let him down in their breakup... but Taku tries to make Haesoo feel worse. I honestly understand being spiteful towards exes who mistreated you in some way. HOWEVER with this relationship: it seemed to highlight Taku’s selfishness. Taku is out here acting like Haesoo wronged him for simply not liking him back in a 1 month TRIAL relationship. As if he wasnt the one who initiated and *insisted* on their relationship. As if he was unaware of Haesoo’s feelings for Joowon. As if Taku didnt say it was better that they use each other. Him wanting to make Haesoo feel bad over this is wild considering all the conditions of their relationship and his past manipulation too.

Again Im not hating on Taku Im just calling out his toxic behavior because hes the only one no one calls out ..... Jowon wasnt perfect either ok , he was far from it but he spent almost 50 fucking chapters IMPROVING. The only thing Taku was doing was guilt tripping Haesoo. He only "improve" when Haesoo finally got out . Anyways Iove to see a side story for Taku tho to see if he actually changed or remains the same . Because even if Jowon was out of the picture Taku would never last with Haesoo .
2021-04-25 14:54 marked
Rooting for the main couple but i seriously don't want 704 to end up with Geumsum or Yama. I'd rather he get reincarnated and be born again as a human or that he just ends up alone on his own, doing his job happily. I am honestly tired of 704 being played around by everyone and i just want him to be happy now. And i know they have their reasons or whatever but i seriously hate Yama and Geumsun. They can both fuck right off and burn in hell. Gotta admit though that they're fucking hot. Ugh.
2021-04-20 17:21 marked
A panel of when they broke up and Joowon called Haesoo to say

"You know, Haesoo. I'm always on your side. I'm your hyung, I'm your friend... I'm just...all yours." And I cried so hard.

Now we have a response from Haesoo,

"It's okay now. You have me."
2021-03-11 22:04 marked
I can't blame Taewhan for anything. Some are seriously acting like there are no straight men in yaoi and everyone is born gay. Don't forget that Taewhan thinks he's straight. He befriended the uke, trusted him and wanted to take care of him as a friend but while he was sleeping, the uke tried to steal a kiss from him...? Kissing also needs a form of consent guys, so he sure as hell has every right to get angry if his friend wanted to pull a fast one on him. Also, in my opinion...his actions weren't that mean. Him saying harsh words so the uke doesn't approach him is actually quite reasonable and understandable.
2021-03-06 09:42 marked
Me reading comments saying that taehwan came onto yeonwu without consent: I AM CONFUSION. Like huh??? Since when? Yall must be blind to yeonwu's actions then, he didn't respect tae's sexual orientation and came onto him without consent more than once. And whats worse was that yeonwoo was his trusted FRIEND. I also think that yeonwu was totally in a position to say no when tae asked him. Like listen, if he said no tae isnt gonna go all godzilla on him, he probably won't even bat an eyelid and just go on with his everyday life ignoring yeonwu. In conclusion: tae is just an asshole but not a sexual predator unlike- ahem. Sorry. I still love yeonwu tho. Hope to see fluffy moments soon PLEASE I BEG. i should really be doing assignments now adios~
2021-03-06 09:32 marked
i'm a geumsunfucker but i'm honestly a bit upset at him now.. TT i know he tried telling 704 that what happened to san was not his fault but it's just upsetting how geumsun was in on the plan to blame 704, then have sex with 704 knowing 704 did it because he felt guilty for what happened to san. and after all that he still said all those things to 704 when he raped him...
"u didn't do this for san, u only did it to lessen ur guilt and i humored u"
first of all, 704 wouldn't even need to feel guilty if u just told him what really happened with san... instead geumsun and yama lied to 704.
and even though it's not on purpose or planned, geumsun received advantage (sex) by lying to 704 and making him feel guilty. that's an awful thing to do to someone u (supposedly) care about.
he always plan everything without telling 704 anything. of course 704 feels left out and doesn't trust him.
well, i didn't say all this just to hate on geumsun... i still like his character. it's just that i think he really has a lot to make up to 704. he better apologise and tell 704 he didn't mean those cruel words he said before... things like how 704 is dirty and beneath him. i trust this author but sometimes BL authors tend to just brush it off when the seme is mean because "he has his reasons". i don't care what geumsun's reasons are, he still needs to apologise and properly treasure 704 if he actually loves him. not just by ~secretly protecting 704 from the shadows~ but also by properly making sure 704 knows he is loved! just because 704 looks super strong mentally doesn't mean he doesn't deserve some sweet tender loving (︶︿︶)=凸 i want them to have more sweet moments
2021-02-13 08:45 marked
so, to resume what i understood so far:
Hwan is a very powerful monster, that's been causing a lot of trouble to Yama and the underworld, so Yama send Geumsun to take care of him, but he didn't die, he just got severly injured by Geumsun.

After that, Hwan needed to get strong again to get revenge on Geumsun and he found San, who had a really strong soul that could make Hwan strong again. But San also had a very strong mind, that made it impossible for Hwan to possess his body, since San had his Aunt and love. But his Aunt was also a strong and special human, so Hwan started to break them from inside out, so the he coud possess San in the end. After breaking his Aunt, making her kill herself, San's mind got weak and Hwan found the gap to possess him.

Geumsun and Yama, on the other hand, were looking after San for a long time, since they discovered that San was the perfect victim for Hwan to cure himself, but when Geumsun went to meet San, it was too late and Hwan were already inside of him. But that was the perfect oportunity for Geumsun to kill Hwan for good, wiping him from the world, by killing him while he was inside of San. But as a Goblin he couldn't just kill a human, so Hwan got away and San survived.

San was so creacked by all of this shit that he wanted to die, so Geumsun and Yama came up with the plan to get San (in his human body) inside the underworld, so his whole existence in the human world would be forgotten, cause than, Hwan would also forget he ever possessed San, and them they could send San to the human world again, as a human and Hwan would meet him again and try to possess him once more, then they could kill him for good. But 704 ended up being caugh up in the plan, without knowing a thing and was the one who brought San to the underworld, where he now lives desguised as a Goblin.
2021-02-13 08:43 marked
It's amazing how some ppl claim Taku was with Haesoo out of the goodness of his heart, and wanted to "save" him from an unhealthy relationship i- like what now?? Reading comprehension where???
Taku got interested in Haesoo after seeing his story about his step brother: he wanted to mess with that relationship. Taku's exhibition themes were: Loss / Love —a choice he thought Haesoo would be so *perfect* for due to his relationship with Joowon. No, it was never about Haesoo's wellbeing lol. There’s literally a scene where he implicitly tells Haesoo to think of Joowon for the photoshoot, right after their breakup, and thinks: “I knew he was hurt, but I wanted to see something more”. He wasn't trying to make Haesoo feel better, but instead he was intrigued & captivated by Haesoo’s hurt and pain over Joowon. He even admits in the end, after he grew attached to Haesoo: "From the start Haesoo only had eyes for one person. Perhaps those unwavering eyes were what I loved most” -- proving how transfixed he was by Haesoo's feelings for Joowon.

Taku says in his character interview from the start that he's "opportunistic" when it comes to relationships. Example: him comforting Haesoo crying... it parallels Taku's ex-bf being comforted by him & getting upset cause Taku is just PRETENDING. It's the same w/ Haesoo. He didn't do that with genuine feelings, but just as a "habit" like Haesoo says. Taku also said, “it felt good to see you sad” and how he knows hes selfish but its cause he likes to feel needed. So him chasing after Haesoo wasnt sincere, but self-interest & intrigue (“I wanted to see the kind of story he writes when im gone” HELLO??).

There's multiple metaphors about it too (lmaoo not me writing about the metaphors when ppl can't even get the blatant text of Taku saying MULTIPLE TIMES how he's "not a good person" and that he likes Haesoo for selfish reasons... but anyway the metaphors are interesting to me <333). First his photography: Taku always focused on the frozen images and what's within the lenses, instead of life in the present. He captured what he wanted & ignored the rest. Second: the candy. He says all relationships are the same to him: just "sugar/additives despite the different colours". He doesn’t like the taste of bitterness, only the sweetness. It ALL shows how Taku only wanted the good and superficial things in life. He selfishly liked to be needed by someone else, but without any of the burden of real feelings. It’s only through letting himself get attached to Haesoo & realizing Haesoo’s pretend love isn’t enough for him, that he describes Haesoo’s kiss as "bitter".

Honestly I know how upsetting it is to see your ship sink. But if you step back and read carefully: you realize that Yeongha literally built Taku's character to GET HEARTBROKEN and experience the bitter things in life,, because he'd been so numb to that feeling otherwise. (It makes me curious abt Taku's backstory honestly. like what made him this way??)
2021-01-21 18:55 marked

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When you find a content posted by another user as interesting, you can click on the "♥Like" button to save it. You can easily find these saved contents in your Favorites list.