is such a snoozefest... very boring.
1. Art is basic, nothing screenshot worthy.
2. Most of the characters are very bland and have no depth. Theo is cardboard and we need to see her interacting more with her brothers. The most interesting brother (Jed or Zed, or whatever they feel like translating his name to) they've taken out for most of the chapters.
3. Plot is allll over the place! There are too many plots starting that aren't finished. (Jean finding out about her sister, Chloe being the princess that can talk to beasts, the crazy red head and her family, the secret organization, the chimera beasts, her father being in a coma, people finding out she's a slave/finding out she owns the school). IT'S TOO MUCH going on one time and nothing is being resolved because THE PLOT IS MOVING SO SLOWLY.