Guys, is there a way for us to speed up the process of getting official licensed manga for this? I love this series soooo much that I’d love to support the mangaka by buying the series but there is no official translation for this series yet.
Like, wtf? There are two anime seasons for this manga. How on earth there is no official translations for this amazing masterpiece…
I question this everyday…
Does the author not know about his/her fanbase internationally…?

I am sorry cause I actually didn’t get ur point either.
Mangago is like not a legal site. Technically speaking…
I use this site to find new series and if their good and I am not broke, I buy the manga.
Mairimashita is one of the mangas I love and would love to buy the copies of. But sadly, there are no official translations for this series. No official online or paperback copies. None! There are japanese paperback but i don’t read japanese. So…I was asking if there is anyone in the comment section heard of the news of the manga getting officially translated or not. Specially cause the series has two anime seasons. And seems kinda weird that all these mangas with no animes gets translated but this one manga with TWO anime seasons still remains untouched...

Hello as of now the artist haven't released any confirmation about the english translations. The Japanese copies are the ones still being sold in markets and on online stores. I don't know if the artist knows that the story is actually widespread overseas so maybe that's also one of the reasons. I actually just buy random volumes of the manga in japanese. Sorry but I hope this helps

*SPOILERS* *I have spoiled until the ENDING…so…readers BE WARNED*
So, Aria panics. I mean, she knew Mielle was a bitch but she didn’t think she was bitchy enough to try murder his own father just like that.
So, because Aria panics, she didn’t make it in time to use the hourglass. Hourglass only goes till 5minutes. So, when she realized she is in trouble, Crown prince pops in. I can’t remember this detail in the novel but I think the prince and Aria already pre-planned to meet up or something. So, when he popped in and saw Aria almost getting accused for shit she didn’t do, he goes in, uses his teleportation ability and goes whoop, teleports right in front of Mielle. Mielle is like wtf, no fucking clue on how the crown prince came there, and how the crown prince and Aria just disappeared into air.
Also, the other thing was, just a couple of minutes before the prince popped up, a maid saw Aria and Mielle with the father on top of the stairs. The next thing maid saw was Mielle on the top floor and the father on the floor. She didn’t see Aria and the prince but she knew Aria was home.
Now, this is where the problems come in. Aria and the prince plans to establish some alibis to say that she wasn’t home. The maid knew she was home. I can’t clearly remember what happened with the maid but I think she didn’t mention it or she mentioned it but backed up Aria later on. Can’t remember this detail though.
But the fucked up shit starts from this point...
Because the count (the father) is not unconscious and fucked but alive, the brother takes over the workload. But, the count was the backbone of the family, and because Mielle has done goof, the house was slowly sinking towards bankruptcy. Aria’s mom takes care of the count, only cause she didn’t want to look bad and while the count was bed ridden, she carried the largest authority and decided to take the lead in most decision and shit.
The story will have a couple of twists, plots, revelations and shit but at the end, Mielle gets the punishment for trying to kill her father. Also, apparently Mielle fucking never learned her lesson, she tried to kill Aria’s maid the second time (For a time period, like after the bankruptcy and the family had to depend on Aria and shit, Aria pretended to be super nice to Mielle when she was at her lowest. Mielle had to be a maid and work for Aria and the orange-head maid was her superior. The maid was bullying Mielle and Mielle thought of killing her) but she ended up killing her brother accidentally. So now, Mielle tried killing her father, killed her brother, she was sentenced to death and hearing the loss of both his children, the count commits suicide. The mother re-meets her love (Aria’s biological father, the blond dude who resembled Aria we saw in this chapter). Aria’s biological father is not blood related to the royal family but has some family connection and this was why Aria has the hour-glass power. The supernatural power is a thing that involved people who marry into the royal family or direct royal descendents but not all of them get the power. Meaning, Aria is like a non-blood related long distant cousin to the crown prince. I repeat, NOT blood related, so no worries about the incest issue. NO incest here. Anyways, Iris gets executed for colluding with Mielle and you know, the whole trying to create a war in the kingdom and shit. Mielle gets executed. Aria meets her father and decided that her mom can be with her father and Aria will get her happy ending with the prince. The prince and her gets married. The last part I read was about the honeymoon but I don’t remember reading anything about kids though...
Sorry about the crazy crammed up spoiler but there is a lot of shit i skipped over but i can try answering some spoiler questions if you guys have any...

lmaooo why does everyone on this website always look for incest in a relationship; if they’re incredibLY far removed from each other, do we really have to start going off on it for being “incestuous”? — but we don’t know the full story yet so let’s just wait until we start making those sorts of statements ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

my bad, I didn’t mean to come off as patronizing
it’ s the first time I’ve come across that phrasing too so I’m just as confused as you are lol, but what I meant to say was we should probably wait for more context before delving into it, ya know? peace tho, im not looking to start drama 。゚(゚´Д`゚)゚。

Oh…you can be cousins and not blood related.
I have bunch of cousins like that. We are not blood related but we are cousins.
*More spoilers!!! SPOILERS BELOW*
so, the relationship with crown prince and aria is that…
Aria’s biological dad’s mom was a woman who married into the royal family. In other words, she is like a grand mother to the crown prince but she is not blood related to the crown prince as she did not give birth to crown prince’s father or mother of any sort. At the time the granny married into the royal family, she was already pregnant or something. And there is a tradition, if you drink the water of the magical fountain in the royal garden after marriage, you can possess some of that royal magical powers or something. So, the granny-mom person didn’t possess the powers but her son who she was pregnant with did. Note that the son she gave birth to does NOT carry the blood of the royal family as she was already pregnant before she was married to the royal family. Anyways, shit happened and the son had to leave the royal family. But he carried some of that royal magic cause his mom drank from the fountain. He made a baby that is Aria with Aria’s mom but didn’t know that he had a child until way later. Remember that Aria’s mom was a prostitute. That’s how he ended up having a kid. He was in love with Aria’s mom but due to her being a prostitute and his own family circumstances, he couldn’t be with her and left her before learning that she was pregnant with his child. The whole family tree is weird and it was confusing in the beginning but they made it clear that Aria and the crown prince at the end of the day were not blood related. Aria had the powers because her great-grandma drank from the fountain, and Crown prince has his power cause he like a direct descendant of the royal family.
If you need to know about how I am cousins to a non-blood related relative. It is basically that my dad has a brother. His brother is my uncle. My uncle is married to a woman who is my aunty. Since in our family we don’t have like cousins marrying cousins thing, my aunty is naturally not blood related to me. So, anyone from her family is not blood related to me. Her kids are blood related to me cause her husband, my uncle, is. She has 6 brothers. So her brothers are not blood related to me. But they are still my uncles as well. Her brother’s kids are also not blood related to me but they are still my cousins.
Does this make sense to you?

As much as I can see Heejin (Hope I didn’t get his name wrong) is a one of those delinquent nice guys, I like Yeonwoo way better for our female lead.
Our female lead and Yeonwoo not one have so much shit in common, but they also understand and understood each other before they even found they had a common ground.
I like both the male leads tbh.
Either way, if she ends up with Heejin, i can think of it as a classic romantic ending where the FL ends up with the nice guy. Kind of over done, but, still nice.
But, I am more biased for the Yeonwoo ending, cause, like I said, he and the FL have some serious chemistry, and since they both have ‘trash’ personality but continues to help each other, build up each other to be more nicer or humane, I like it. Like, as long as they don’t butcher the story with crazy bullshit like, "Psyche, Yeonwoo will always be trash” cause let’s be honest, that’s a real shitty thing to do after all that character development. I like the Yeonwoo ending.
Also, I really want Dalee…Dahee…the bestie who went MIA, seriously want her to make her appearance soon. Like, I wonder if she made like a glamorous change or something. Got a confidence boost or something along the line. Or if she is the same sweet quirky character but with a way more awesome, overprotective, big-sister vibe bestie (let’s be honest, FL wasn’t the best bestie you could ask for in that situation with the neglect play).

I was so worried that this might create some shounen-typical rift between Sabro and Iruma!!!! Specially after that amazing chapter of them cheerfully talking about Demon king!
Sabro, my boy!!! You sweet sweet child!!! Let Iruma give you the tightest squeeze cause you need to be pampered for being a good boy!!!
I love this current fluff and unbreakable trust and bond in the class of misfits!! AND I am not ready for that to break, EVER!
This author sure knows how to play with your feelings with all the cliff hangers, leaving you all uppity-up-up with the most unexpected-expected answers, leaving us drooling at the chapters and thirsty at the end!
Can’t wait for more~
Can't wait for the next update! and YAS to another noobie Agent and an old fren!