does anyone have bls like this???? like ones with good plot but with not too much seggs but theres also sum....
Something with plot and little bit of smut is extremely rare, you can have more plot or more smut.
Realistic plot, characters or dialogues: A shoulder to cry on (PG), Hate mate (PG15), Lucky coin (PG), Semantic error (PG15, R18 versions), Lost in the Cloud (so far PG), About good boys (PG), My starry sky (PG/PG15), Unintentional love story (PG15, R18); Chew and swallow (PG15), The King of Home Cooking (PG15), Love or hate (Yeongha, PG15, R18); Caught in the act (PG-PG15), Cocoon of the Heart (PG15);
Not so realistic plot, but catching: At the End of the Road (PG/PG15), Restricted Area (PG15, only on app T o r y comics), Murderous Lewellyn's candlelit dinner (PG), Checkmate (PG15, R18 versions), Assorted Wildness (R18, smut every 10 chapters or so); BJ Alex (PG15, R18 versions, frequent smut), Digitalis (PG15), Body complex (older version, R18), Beast must die (R18, quite frequent smut), Jazz for two (PG15, sexy, but story is too long), His house (PG15), Hollow Lovers (PG15) Escape into Oblivion (R18), Criminal Interview (Queensa, PG)
reread it again and its still one of my favourites