--> I know he's currently fucking Nii-chan, which is pretty fucked up, but Yui is really handsome! His face with his eyes glittering waiting for the kiss was also cute!
Well, another fucked up masterpiece from Harada. I know st some point you must've been: isn't this a crime? I'll continue reading! Hahahaha * paradise*
No matter what, there are good lessons from that read like: there is no normal. You make your own kind of normal. Also, these days, we give up easily on people but we should give them more chances to figure themselves and take our hand.
Sometimes, you read some mangas or manhwas and you are so into the story you're reading that you binge read all the chapters. At some point you know you're coming to an end and your browser freezes, you know you shouldn't get your hopes up, and the recommandation page appears: your life is destroyed....Small time story...
Iberiko-san looks like doctor Strange in the last panel.