Sitimino December 17, 2020 12:10 am

Bruh I'd stay in the room any day bc I only got a bed in my room bruh I ain't even got a dresser

Sitimino December 15, 2020 6:00 am

Istg some of yall really tryna catch a case

Sitimino December 11, 2020 1:53 am

Bruh I may or may not have teared up at the end

Sitimino December 7, 2020 10:25 pm

Fun fact! Porn can actually make it harder for men to get hard (it can also cause sexual problems for women too) I dont really know the science behind it but all I know is that it can make it harder to get aroused and can cause misunderstandings about sex. Because of that, a lot of men dont know how to please women during sex so women tend to fake it and wonder why they aren't feeling pleasure! So do your own research and find out what you like :)

    kikokiki December 7, 2020 10:38 pm

    I personally think the reason for that is that porn is unrealistic. Your expectations are way to high. Everything is working out, all glamour etc.
    Does it make sense what I'm talking about?

    crack dad December 8, 2020 12:56 am

    Ted Bundy had literally confessed that porn was the reason for how warped he became. He watched so much that “normal” porn wasn’t satisfying him anymore, so he kept watching the extremes and the only stuff that could get him off was people being hurt. So I think this is extremely realistic.

    lily1039 December 8, 2020 1:24 am

    so that's why so many chicks make fun of guys for not finding the c!!t

Sitimino November 18, 2020 11:23 am

rip minjin

Sitimino November 12, 2020 11:11 am

Well fuck I'm crying

Sitimino November 1, 2020 8:56 am

"It doesnt matter that we're brothers!" You know what? Imma go to bed I've had enough

Sitimino October 31, 2020 7:11 am

Ok so this is a bit weird but one of my cats is a black cat (Bombay, and bombays resemble Panthers which is what the uke is) and I joke around that he has a crush on another one of my cats (hes a really fluffy pale cat, resembles a lion like the seme) because the black cat always stares at him, so I feel kinda werid because my cats are neutered and I've banned them from thinking anything sexual because they are literal babies. So yea kinda awkward but anyways stan my cats because they're iconic and the black cat is my little stinky baby man

Sitimino October 28, 2020 5:44 am

I'm scared to read this but imma do it anyways

Sitimino October 28, 2020 5:43 am

Yo wait does she only kill bad people or something? Like maybe the guy she was having sex with was actually a terrible person?

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