hang!'s experience ( All 12 )

hang! 01 01,2024
crazy I'm actually quitting alchohol because some girl rejected me Happy late new year sobers, and good luck to me because goddamn this shi is tough   4 reply
01 01,2024
hang! 13 12,2023
well   2 reply
13 12,2023
Yeah me, I am! 25 hours clean!! I'm in so much pain Guys i just ran out of supplies I'm definitely getting high tomorrow That being said sorry to anyone I've talked to today that wasn me forget about it   10 reply
26 11,2023
hang! 22 11,2023
@I have a big d is a sex offender, she has committed arsons, is banned from several countries and is now threatening+assaulting me. I'm seeking legal advice   10 reply
22 11,2023
Tonight I'm outside, having vodka. It's not fun at all so i think ill go home soon to queue league ranked. Tho if I keep playing that shit when I'm high riot is gonna need to make a whole new rank for me called wood dawg i been stuck in iron for over a year now and my drinking habits ain't helping maybe I'll just lay down and think about my life a......   1 reply
18 11,2023

hang!'s answer ( All 193 )

about question
What porn addiction does to a man: I need him dead this isn't a joke anymore   6 reply
08 09,2024
about question
06 02,2024
about question
hang! 05 02,2024
Just read your god damn books jeesus yall I'm lowkey tweaking for a reply tho ngl   1 reply
05 02,2024
hang! 05 02,2024
So glad I dipped on yall man life feels fr fresh when im not on the forum 23 hours a day   3 reply
05 02,2024
about question
I'll be spending it with my brand new cupid hanzo   reply
03 02,2024

hang!'s question ( All 7 )

I got this long ass reply and im too high to b able to read this so sharing it with the class so yall can laugh,

"R@pe is up there most popular kink that people have. Wanting to dominate or be dominated is natural, as we are still animals in the end. The difference is that we have civilization, laws and just more developed brains to understand r@pe as a bad thing. So when our dear brain sends both signals - the kink side and the civilized side, what is the good outlet? Stories (and I guess r@pe-play between consenting adults). In stories we can enjoy kinks safely. Anyone with normal brain understands that r@pe in real life is very different from r@pe in stories or fantasies. Real people getting r@ped is not part of the kink. <-This seems to be something that people commenting have such a hard time comprehending. Real violence is never hot or kinky for normal people with this kink.
R@pe fantasy is a part of a persons sexuality. How does it connect to random person with actual r@pe trauma? They are completely different things. One is fantasy that does not hurt anyone and the other is a literal violent crime that has been done to a person.
Trying to limit creative freedom by saying you can only represent r@pe in this way or that way is just so narrow minded and dull-brained. Lets test that logic on something else. Say my father died in a horrible accident, a car crash or something. It traumatised the whole family. Now some people are making a movie about a car crash. In it a family member died, but they make it seem like getting over the accident only took a few weeks, when in real life it often is a lifelong wound. They even made the accident seem like a good thing because the family that had drifted apart really came together and supported each other thanks to the death of one. They even added some scenes where the family member had time before death to say i love yous to everyone and after death visited some family members in a dream to reassure them that it`s all okay. Every single cheesy detail feels like an insult to my trauma. My family was never the same. I saw him when he died and can never forget that appearance. It is that appearance that I first see when I think of him, not some happily laughing face. There were no heartfelt farewells nor dream visits, just cold void where a person used to be. I feel disgusted watching that film. It is not realistic. It romanticizes a traumatic experience.
But should this film not exist?
There are millions of stories in different forms. The majority probably include minor or major trauma triggers to different individuals. People should really think how can stories be told if we have to be mindful of every trauma and represent it in a way that is always realistic. While the crude example earlier is not my actual trauma, something similar is. The stories that have things happening in them that are similar to it make me feel awful. But I do not see myself as such an important person that stories should be told in ways that pay respect to my personal trauma. I have enough self-awareness to understand that while this is an actual experience for me, it is simply a plot device for the creator. They mean no harm to me. The fact that the story they tell makes me feel awful is not their fault either. It just means the story was not made for me, simple as that. I don`t have any ridiculous thoughts that them telling a story in a way that is not like real life somehow disrespects my trauma.
If we follow the logic that traumatic experiences should be told in a way that is realistic and respectful for the victims, we should not be watching/experiencing majority of series/books/manga etc. For example Criminal Minds and other crime dramas should not exist. While sexualized r@pe is usually just a fantasy from the creators mind (I HOPE, and as is often seen by the unrealistic representation), crime series often take heavy inspiration from actual crimes and murder victims. They sometimes even idolize the criminal. Still probably majority of you who bother to read this have watched at least some episodes of crime dramas. Did you stop to think that what you are watching has probably happened to someone? OP: The victim went through so much pain and you say you enjoy it when it is fictional but its disgusting when its real? What is the difference? Imagine your family member getting murdered, will you still like it? OP states that your mind will still be the same. How so? People who say stuff like this really irk me. Also when their next argument goes:"just because it is fiction it is no excuse and enjoying it makes you a disgusting person". The thing is, people like this see fiction as an extension of reality. In their mind fiction and reality are automatically connected. Then there are people like me who see fiction as a completely separate thing - it can connect to reality in many ways or it may not. Sometimes creators want to tell something more with a story (about injustice, discrimination, political stuff etc) and sometimes a story is just a story with no underlying message. Stories with r@pe kink are made with the motive to satisfy that kink. There is no message about real life r@pe being okay, no matter how much some simple-minded people want that so they can jump on their high horse and scream that people who dare to enjoy this particular content are justifying r@pe. For me, I could enjoy a plot where torturing innocent people is the main characters favorite pastime, I could "enjoy" them doing the most cruel things to people - that does not translate to me liking real torture stuff in any way shape or form. In OPs brain however my "mind is still the same" so I should, according to them, enjoy real life torture because fiction is inseparable from reality? The logic is bonkers. I guess liking tragic endings in stories also means that I get all giddy whenever my closest ones suffer from accidents and deaths and funerals are my happy place.

This became such a brain vomit. English is clearly not my first language. I was just so inspired by op who, like, wrote their piece with such righteousness and deep understanding of human complexity and psyche. No but seriously nothing in this world is black and white and this one-dimensional thinking just irritates me to no end."
29 10,2023
Does everyone have a song that they listened to on repeat at their lowest point in life? Or a song that calls you out so bad you actually stand still and think, maybe one that reminds you of someone?
But you can't listen to this song all the time, you gotta be feeling really out of it again
Does that make sense?
23 10,2023
about question
Do y'all ever just look at shit you've read in the past and cringe yourself to sleep?

Nah cause that shit looking like a criminal record I would be banned from several countries if federals saw my previous reads its crazy
22 10,2023
about question
Just wanted to congrate its not like I care or sum.

But just so yk,
I'm proud of u.

But fuck you.
02 06,2021
What do y'all think about the mha djs cause like I wanna see if am I being too sensitive?

They sexualize 16 yros- (especially Bakugou) and uh... THAT MUCH different djs sirrr,, huh?????
21 04,2021

People are doing

did instagram group chat

and everyone else of you gotta look in the GC the gifts i made idk international friendship day soon

8 minutes
did having friends

To dear @K bro WAKE UPP ur gift is ready

11 minutes
did school is stressful

FINALLY AFTER A WEEK OF SUFFERING I AM BACKKKKK also woah 27 updates of manhwas... i got alot tk cstch up on

12 minutes