Hey guys, how do you keep your manga lists? Or do you even list them as already read? Or do you keep a separate list like on an excel file or note pad?

Hi! I created 2 reddit topics for this. This is how a create a backup for my reading lists here on MGo :">
1. https://www.reddit.com/r/mangago/comments/mfizbq/google_keeps_as_a_manga_reading_list/
2. https://www.reddit.com/r/mangago/comments/mil8kv/instantly_save_your_manga_lists_in_a_heartbeat/
Hi guys, have you experienced a manga where you believe you have already read it and tagged as "already read" but it will show it's not even tagged? I'm currently reading a manhwa and as i go through the chapters im getting a deja vu, i feel like I've already read it before but if i did, it should be tagged as "already read" but it's not so I'm reading it again just to make sure. Lol and I've encountered this on a few manga too. Is it possible, mangago is having a glitch like this? Untagging manga/manhwa without notifying the user? I hope you get what im trying to say here forgive my English.
usually they're reuploads, try and check if the same manga has another one existing. but yeah the same thing has happened to me countless times I even just gaslight myself. whatever it is it's been bothering a lot of us for ages
Hello! Yes i always experience this its so annoying and i dont really know how to stop it. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Thank you for sharing! Yes, that's what i thought that it might be reupload and i even check the author's other works but it doesn't show any other versions. Lol. It feels like wasting time in reading them again but my brain also tells me to just continue reading it just to make sure im not missing out anything
I'm glad it's not only happening in my account because if I'm the only one experiencing this then i might have some memory issue lol. But yes, it's annoying because it's making us stupid. Reading the manga we thought we've not read yet but turns out we've already done reading it but our brain makes us think we haven't read it. Goodness.