Bro has the brain capacity of a 3 year old. Like??? Dan is clearly not saying that cause he wants to do it for pleasure and did jaeshit forget that he literally saved Dan from trying to K himself???? Can't critically think for shit. Was legit waiting for a proper redemption arc smh. Instead of this I would've gotten my broke ass to pay somehow for a story between chanwoo and MD instead......I miss them
Every single time I read a new chapter I get disappointed, it's not just the fact he's toxic, but it genuinely holds no purpose to the plot anymore. Like we get it, hes an asshole, but I thought this arc was going to be about him getting character development, and I'm not seeing a whole lot of "development". Smh. Genuinely just reading cause I want to finish but for now imma unsubscribe cause I'm tired of seeing characters with stagnant personalities