they are all fictional they arent harmed or going to be traumatised by any means. Go use that energy to ACTUAL children who are affected by rape or pedophilia. I can't believe this, I was 15 when i first read smut and while i was put off at first, & that was a normal reaction, it was new and i wasnt used to it but i didnt go around berating and calling people disgusting or sick for finding entertainment on shit like this

Laughing at you kids in the comment section. this aint nothing. Yaoi isn't for the faint of heart

HAHAHAHAH IM I SEEING THIS SHT RIGHT THEY ARE MINORS. If the author/artist of the doujinshi made it clear it was post timeskip then people wouldn't be making a fuss BUT THEY ARE CLEARLY TEENS THIS IS PRE TIMESKIP THEY ARE WEARING THEIR UNIFORMS- ARE YOU SERIOUS.. People shouldn't be consuming this "problematic content" even though its much worse than problematic content because although they are fictional they are still minors, this feeds into pedophilia and is harmful to ACTUAL CHILDREN. You are literally fucking disgusting and I dont see how you can justify this so stfu.

"Although they are fictional they are still minors" keyword "fictional" hahahaa u actually used the typical response! Wow i cant believe people still use that argument im not even gonna explain since u guys wont get it no matter what. Read your argument again when u've gain more maturity and understanding to realise how ridiculous that statement is. bye have a nice day, read some vanilla shojo instead, something your fragile hearts can hopefully take

"typical response" ha i wonder how many times people have said that to you and it still hasnt gotten through your thick skull that its a valid arguement. And no please explain it i want to see how you justify pedophilia. I didnt know it was vanilla to not be a pedophile. and dont get me started on maturity, is it mature to sexualize characters that are minors?? and so what if they're fictional, its literally child pornography but legal, and I read your bio "fujoshi since 2010" thats fucking embarrasing lmfao keep that shit to yourself no one needs to know you fetishize gay men and project your fantasies onto them you sick fuck. I couldnt give a fuck if you read explicit yaoi and bl just dont fucking fetishize people or sexualize minors what the hell is wrong with you, honestly what a fucking loser the fact you're even defending this, have a shitty day and come back when you've matured because you actually need to think for once and notice how fucking disgusting what you're saying is.

Do you even know what pedophilia means? Maybe start on that, google is free. And you actually went and gave my profile? Gosh im so honoured! You seem really proud of that, good job for creeping on strangers mangago profiles! Nowhere in my comment did I justify pedophilia and to be quite frank, there really isn't any here I'm not going to call you names since I think you should realise what you're acting like instead (if you're mature enough as you claim yourself to be) Fetishizing gay men oml Gurl you've really got some reading to do! Fujoshi is a term you should add to your list of terms to look up. No REAL gay men were fetishized nor REAL minors sexualized during my 10 years of reading BL so I'm pretty sure I didn't violate or hurt anyone's feelings. I'm hoping your reading comprehension skills is good enough to understand that? If not I'll understand, I really get it some people need time, hopefully in a few years you'll learn a thing or two :))

girl- Pedophilia is sexualizing minors, and fujoshi means a fan of yaoi/bl and fetishizes gay relationships, maybe you should look it up before saying that? and maybe you dont fetishize REAL people but getting off to something with minors in it is still sick, the only types of people that would defend content like this are fujoshis and pedophiles so pick a side, Supporting and justifying content like this that pedophiles and fujoshis can consume and use to fuel their fantasies to then project onto real people is just as disgusting and damaging. Before you tell someone to study up on it educate yourself first. I'm not saying you're a pedophile but this doujinshi basically feeds them so whyre you defending it? This can hurt real people and although you arent hurting them directly you're supporting it. Just reading BL and yaoi does not make you a fujoshi..

I havent been here for a while and imagine my shock and excitement when I saw this marked as complete! Aaaaaaaaa I've been here since it's release and even bought the book when I was in Japan back in 2018, not knowing anything about it but was just completely taken because of the art. I'm so pumped to finally binge-read this!!
Is the main story complete? I wanna read but I don't wanna start if it's still ongoing
It's complete