Yay there's gonna be another vol !! γƒΎ(❀╹◑╹)οΎ‰~

I actually love how the fork is the bottom, usually they are a top so it's nice to have something different. (βŒ’β–½βŒ’)

Ok this is like the second manga this had happened on, someone ban them

NOO it ended. I need 5 more volumes and anime adaptation

I love how the mc's honest and actually asks the questions. Like there's no misunderstanding where's he's overthinking and makes it a problem. He actually asks him.(β‰§βˆ€β‰¦)

Why are the uploads always the second part of a chapter

Haha, I know he's supposed to be a monster but I still can't get over how big his hands are, everytime I read. Hahaha

24/7 eating food created a topic of Alpha Pride

Aw man, and he I thought we would finally have smaller alpha top but no

Anyone got raws? Any language

24/7 eating food created a topic of The Shape Of Us

I feel like this should be the end, no need season 2. I remember reading the raws long time ago and i don't know.... The was some new other dude and idkkkk. Agh

24/7 eating food created a topic of Omega Porn

I'm sorry but the kid is so freaking ugly

24/7 eating food created a topic of Our Sunny Days

Oh my I'm scared, what if it's gonna be the ill fate and he's gonna be against their relationship

Ah, I think I'm gonna wait till they fix this, the last chapter is cut up , panels are missing and there's a panel from previous chapter. :[

24/7 eating food created a topic of Yasashii Kizuato

Guys why are y'all blaming the ml, he's a victim.

Dude I've been reading this nonstop, I'm going feral