Oh my gawd(≧∀≦) your profile picture is soooo cute
Where's the lil cutie from? (Manga, anime?)
Btw are you the same Sakata Ai who I often see on Anon's blog?

Oh, you might've read it by from now on, we'll have to contact her if we want the download link. This way she can keep a track or who downloaded what manga. And if some manga gets leaked, she'll know the person who's done it. (Or At least narrow down the hunt). I hope this strategy works and it'll be tough for her too replying to countless mails for providing download links. I feel bad for her ;_;

Which chapter is this in the light novel? My patience is killing me.
one day late so I think you already found out, but the latest manga chapter (ch. 115) here leaves off at chapter 195-196 on the novel. here's the link if you need it: https://www.lightnovelpub.com/novel/the-emperor-and-the-knightess-10051457/chapter-195
Thank you so much