Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions for the future chapters! I will not only be cursing out Jeong Hyuk aka the ex, but will also be planning for his murder plus secretary yoon's too that snitch
Anyways, I'll just say Tae Yoon is not only at the top of my fav alphas but also in my fav MLs. I hope him and Jae In gets their happy ending ╥﹏╥

https://minmotionsyndrom.online/ I read it here. The translations are kind of off for a few chapters but it'll get better

Now that Dojin & Hyesung are back, here comes the "Hyesung doesn't really love Dojin" allegations again The author literally had a whole arc about that but I guess we need to expand more on it.
Like guys Hyesung has always been immature & annoying sometimes but he's also a tsundere you know. Also Dojin has always been whiny about it, I like to think he's not being serious about being upset since we know he's whipped.
But I guess there are also valid complaints, Hyesung until now has always been the same but then again there were also some people annoyed at him even from the start. I really hope Fargo explore this now that we're back to their story.

I agree, this couple is the type where one has too much affection leaving the other person looking like he doesnt do as much as the other person. I think dojin's affection just overshadows the way Hyesung expresses his love for Dojin.
Its completely normal for relationship like this to exist.I think it makes Dojin really happy that given the situation they have been through, Hyesung made it work and tried his best to show how much he cares for his family in his own way.

Yeah. Also I'm defending them coz Hyesung is literally me in which I'm not the affectionate type in a relationship but that doesn't mean I don't love them.
Hyesung could have run away but he hasn't thought or done it since then. He agreed to marry & stay. Dojin is just loud with his love and just bcoz he whines that doesn't mean he don't appreciate the little things Hyesung had done. Their relationship feels so real & unique tbh.
The main couple really out here living their slice of life/romance genre then here comes blondie XD
Also I can feel the chemistry already with Gabin and this new one. They look so cute together?! The blonde must be a doctor or a scientist there. Idk but looking forward to the next chapter.