no u r not a creep:( don't say that!! u know that that comment u made really changed me and made reflect and look at things from all angles... it made know that my words can hurt someone and cause them discomfort and that really made me disgusted with myself and guilty about what i wrote... u r the first person to point that out to me and i thank u for that ... u made me more conscious about the consequences of my words... thank u for making me realize about my hurtful words( i really didn't mean to hurt anyone with it ) and from now on i will think so much before speaking to avoid hurting anyone again... thank u and sorry

Shine, I accidentally erased your message on my wall. I don't know if you can see the original message you sent me, let alone my replies, so I will repost the intent of my own message here. I totally accept your apology and think you are such a sweetheart for offering one. I want to follow you (and I hope that, if you do indeed have my reply in your inbox, that you don't think I'm a creepy stalker) but if you don't want me to please let me know!

I thought it was the end of season one? Did the end note mean the author is dropping this! Such a shame and waste it was so good.