Any BL/GL set in the 20s-50s time era?? Or something close to that ✍(΄◞౪◟‵) Tyy

My list of Historical/Period GLs hehe feel free to check it out

I’ve been looking for this manga for so long and this is going to be the last time I post about it 人´∀`)
A naive uke who doesn't know how to jerk off and what porn is. And the seme is a bad boy and playboy. They were schoolmates in an all boys school. The uke is known as "lonely wolf". So the seme took an interest in him. He taught so many things such as smoking, drinking, how to jerk off, watching porn together, cutting classes to find clubs. The uke is naive as hell so he doesn't know he already fell for the seme, but before that the seme fell in love first. The seme got scared with the thought of how the people and his gang will look at him. He decided to avoid the uke but the uke is persistent and in the end the seme said some hurtful things to the uke. After this incident, the uke got lonely again. He goes to school late, not eating lunch, always sleeping and also he looked suspicious because he's aways wearing long sleeves. But he truth is, the uke is always getting bullied by the rival gang of seme. The seme only knew about it when the mother of uke called and said that the uke was missing. After that, the seme came to find the uke, there he found the uke in the abandoned warehouse unconscious and his body and clothes are full of blood. Internal hemorrhage, broken bones, and arm (according to the person who posted) and the uke was in coma. The seme and the uke's mom had an heart to heart talked. She said that the uke was an orphan.
(人❛ᴗ❛)♪тнайк чоц♪(❛ᴗ❛*人)

Please recommend me some psychological-themed mangas in a school setting please 人´∀`)
For example ones like this

beware i sobbed at the ending
I NEED MILITARY BL RN. AKA MAN IN UNIFORM pls recc hehe ty (*_ _)人
Only one I know is the Room to Room side story
I don't know if you r into mangas but I personally recommend ya this it has beautiful art and good story line -.
Thank you all so much (シ. .)シ