I’m prolly going to delete this later and I didn’t want to say it on the actual webtoon because I didn’t want to get bashed.
Now time for the main topic: I feel like this one character shouldn’t be a parent because it looks like they did it for the aesthetic. Their partner is doing all the work while they’re getting drunk and not doing anything and by work I mean getting bank, taking care of the baby, and house work. The partner that’s doing everything leaves for one day and they get a call that the baby is in the hospital because they left the baby and someone that shouldn’t be a parent alone. I get it it’s hard being a first time parent but c’mon they aren’t even trying.
Just by the description I gave you probably already know what webtoon im talking about but that’s just what I think. Thanks for letting me rant.
I’d be crying too if I was named big head