Alice July 12, 2024 12:19 am

So by the looks of the raw chapters 62 and 63 there’s another time skip, and they’ve skipped through things so quickly, their reunion and misunderstandings being cleared up was done in the span of those two chapters ? I really hope she doesn’t just forgive him, because literally where has this man been for the past 13 years?!?!?! omfg

Alice June 26, 2024 10:47 am

Wren actually disgusts me so much

Alice June 17, 2024 11:54 pm

Omg stopppp this is so wholesome

Alice June 16, 2024 2:00 pm

Why tf do they keep walking in on them omg

Alice June 11, 2024 11:13 pm

This story and the characters actually makes me want to jump off a building, why has everyone got to be so frustrating ?!?!

Alice June 4, 2024 11:28 pm

Ugh why do I feel like this is about to get rapey

Alice May 31, 2024 8:21 am

I weirdly feel like not much has happened for 60 chapters

Alice May 25, 2024 12:07 am

Guys, not to be this person, but if you don’t give a shit about him why tf are you reading this? Yes he’s a shitty person, but they’re obviously going to end up together, and if you don’t like him or the idea of that maybe don’t read it

    Gremlin May 25, 2024 2:05 am

    I can't stand the ML, but I'm going to read the whole thing because I'm a sucker for these types of stories. They're my guilty pleasure. I feel like a lot of the "I don't care about ML" comes from the fact that he's blaming all of HIS decisions on the FL.

    Imagine some dude you don't even know the name of sees you, develops a crush on you, then proceeds to go through a murder course and essentially become a hit man and then blames all of HIS trauma on YOU. Of course people don't like him.

    I know they'll end up together and she'll forgive him and he'll "forgive" her and change his ways, but it doesn't make him any less insufferable NOW. In What It Means To Be You, I was somewhat sympathetic to Winter because he was an abandoned child hungry for the love of his parents which is why he always sided with his abusive parents over her. But Heiner's traumatic backstory is joining the murder squad because he wanted a girl to notice him...

    Alice May 25, 2024 10:32 am
    I can't stand the ML, but I'm going to read the whole thing because I'm a sucker for these types of stories. They're my guilty pleasure. I feel like a lot of the "I don't care about ML" comes from the fact that... Gremlin

    Yes and everyone has the right to hate him. This comment was mainly targeted at people skipping this chapter and planning to skip his whole backstory

    Skipping part of the story because you hate him when inevitably they’re going to end up together anyways… like that’s just torturing yourself at that point, he’s like 50% of the story. If you skip this part of the story, not only will you come back to the story later on a feel the same way about him, you also won’t have a clue what’s going on

Alice May 24, 2024 11:14 am

Well I’m hoping that the backstory will end on chap 104… any more than that and it’ll be longer than the main story

Alice May 22, 2024 12:24 am

Girl idc he’s still the better option at this point a bag of shit is better than this blonde bitch

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