The mom is really annoying. I'm sure she thinks she's helping but Isaac obviously wanted to keep his backstory hidden, and she knew that. I just wanted to know if anyone else felt this way or if I'm just overacting.(● ̄(エ) ̄●)

Felix is not a good person, he thinks only of himself and what he wants- he literally kidnapped Ben after Isaac rejected him multiple times. Not to mention he wants to kill Isaac because Isaac rejected his "forceful help" when they first met. I'd understand where you were coming from if Isaac was fully open with his mother and if they had a cute relationship but they don't. It just seems like she's constantly overstepping boundaries. Plz understand I don't dislike the mom but she is annoying for overstepping.

She doesn't know about his overbearing and selfish side. She only met him that one time at Benjamin's birthday party and thought that he was a pretty good fellow and would be a nice partner for her son and, the way he was interacting with Benjamin, a good father to him. Whatever she did wasn't the best but, she had her son's best interests in mind.

"Plz understand I don't dislike the mom but she is annoying for overstepping."
It doesn't matter if she thinks she doing the right thing, if someone says they don't want someone around their child it is not then the outsider's- and yes, despite being Isaac's mother he is open about not being close with her and doesn't tell her much- job to put their self in the situation. If she wanted the best for her son, as she claims, she would listen when he said he's a man that's never wanted a child. What seems to be happening is, she's putting herself in Felix's shoes believing their situation is the same when she doesn't have enough evidence to support that. AT THIS POINT WE ARE SAYING THE SAME THING but I want it to be understood that she has no right, mother or otherwise, when Isaac said he is not the father. Just because you see one side of a person that looks good, that doesn't make them a good person through and through.
This is Hannibal right?
omg... it is....
I LITERALLY HAD THE SAME THOUGHT mads mikkelson has grounds to sue omg
Wow, thank you. I was trying to figure out why his face was making me stare and it's cause he's Mads Mikkelson. hahahah
lol he actually could