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monoe July 22, 2021 11:17 pm

OH MY GOD JOOIN YOU ARE SO DUMB, he harassed you and you deduce that he is hurt, is that what you deduced?? I'm kind of tired of this "sad past" excuse, one thing doesn't justify other, he's still a jerk

Francis July 15, 2021 1:19 am

jooin are you fucking dumb, you were all stressed out because of yawhi and now you blush even with him literally forcing you to kiss, make up your mind man

Vouta's questions ( All 2 )

軽蔑Nobu December 15, 2020 2:27 am

I was reading a manga where a guy got pregnant from one of his friends, but I can't find it here. The name was something like "one out of four"

軽蔑Nobu December 11, 2020 9:55 pm

i remember reading a yaoi with a cameraman and a porn actor, the cameraman had an abusive boyfriend. I can't remember the name, does anyone know what manga it is?

    anusa December 11, 2020 10:01 pm

    is it walk on water? idk theres alot like that but you could go check it out

    Shiro December 11, 2020 10:04 pm

    Hmm... points of three? It’s a threesome at first, and the MC had an ex.

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