I use traveler, i have attachment issues-
im a travler main.. well i main both travler and noelle im still trying to get bennett without spending money but thats not going to work. ive missed so many fucking banners.
Aether and Zhongli. I worked hard to get Zhongli and i´m not letting all the hardwork go into the drain. Aether because hes anemo and anemo is really good with any element.
My main is Aether but sometimes I switch to Xingqiu or Noelle Honestly if I got Kazuha he'll be my main the second I got him But other than that no one could take Aether's spot
(Just gonna state first off that I’m a female teenager) Ok so I’ve looked at a lot of the replies and honestly, most of them have it wrong. It’s not because “we like dick” or because “vaginas are gross”. It’s because, as one of the replies has stated, heterosexual mangas usually suck. Heterosexual mangas with an actual storyline, th......
Hot dudes. I've watched/read straight stuff and I've just been jealous of how pretty the girl is or how lucky she is to have the guy. The same goes with lesbian/yuri. I'm either jealous on how pretty the girls are or how lucky they are to be with each other. Anyway anime dudes are hot so that's why I basically read yaoi
Freaking chicken nuggets-
whats yall's mains and why?